Optimizing for Visitors not Search Engines by: Michael MedeirosMost people feel that optimizing is to target the search engines alone. In my opinion, this is not the only case. Optimization requires a balance of traffic enhancements and a user f...
Web Development development pages people makeDesign vs Content: Who is KING? by: Romelo Itong Well it is not Elvis, that's for sure. I am a firm advocate of good design but most of the time people tend to interpret design as amazing graphics and astounding visuals they tend to forget ...
Web Development development design websitesStandard, well-worn marketing techniques sometimes gain somepolish when you rework them a bit. Everyone knows that happycustomer testimonials are a valuable addition to your businessmarketing materials and your web site. Glowing comments fromthose wh...
Web Development development link testimonialsPay for position search engines, also known as pay for rankor pay per click engines were pioneered just a few years agoby Goto.com. In the beginning, Goto.com was disregarded bymany Internet experts who were confident that Webmasterswould not choose ...
Web Development development engines search position amountFollowing a mention in my free newsletter 'Success Lines'that I was having some success generating traffic from thepay-per-click search engine Goto.com, I received an emailfrom a subscriber asking for a blow by blow account of how Idid it. ...
Web Development development search term clickThe Tale of Mr Newbie and The Truth About Total FailureIf you are new to Internet marketing and your web business makes no money, or worse still a loss, you needn't worry about looking a fool - chances are nobody will ever know!Explain?Well, if ...
Web Development development internet money gets marketing traffic newbieAre you in a dilemma whether to create a mini site or acontent-based web site for your new product or service? Thepurpose of creating a web site should be to attract visitors andconvert them to paying customers. Is a mini site with a fewpages enough ...
Web Development development content mini sites based pages createThe most value part of any web page is that part which is shown in your browser before the need to scroll. This is generally known as "above the fold." Arguably, you have just 10 seconds to grab your visitors' attention. That doesn't seem l...
Web Development development fold visitorIt's not enough to know how to create a web site, you also needto know what makes a good web site. Think back on some of theweb sites you've visited recently. Were you impressed by all ofthem? Probably not. Many web sites are technically fi...
Web Development development donapost differentEven in today's world of Flash animation, animated GIFs, sound files,VRML and other dazzling special effects, the basic reason why peoplesurf the web is to read. Yes, the pictures are great, and yes theanimations are wonderful, but what people r...
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