2,242 articles related to "women"

Why Natural Acne Skin Care Solutions are Your Best Choice

Did you know that natural acne skin care solutions are good choices for many reasons? Most are not accompanied by unwanted side effects. They do not contribute to more antibiotic resistant bacteria. They are gentler and safer, overall. One is even be...

Women  women omega health acne skin hormonal
Bobbi Brown Brushes - The Benefit and Types

Bobbi Brown brushes are very soft and great good quality brushes and are beloved by millions of women worldwide. They're affordable yet high quality brushes for eyes, face, lips and even cheeks. Bobbi Brown brushes are amongst essentially the m...

Women  women brush brushes face bobbi brown shadow brow most
The Abortion Pill- Which Is Safer, Oral Or Vaginal?

Pros and cons of both oral and vaginal abortion pill Amongst the many controversies surrounding the methods of doing abortion, another issue raises its head, that of the safer choice of an abortion pill. Abortion pill can be administered in two ways...

Women  women abortion pill vaginally misoprostol only
Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void

Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void by: Zo Houseman Nice girls don’t speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. These are just a few of the messages girls often receive as they are socialized. Often in adulthood, these i...

Women  women weight thoughtsself lose chips potato
Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth

Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith Several different vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause dry hair. To treat dry hair, try taking a multivitamin with 100 percent of the daily value of the essential vitamins. A m...

Women  women hair acid pantothenic mineral zinc biotin
Slimmer Legs ... Stress-Free

Slimmer Legs... Stress-Free by: Gordon Black Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than general...

Women  women legs feel
A Female Soldier's Last Battle

A Female Soldier's Last Battle by: Donald Schnell I arrived at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in 1974, in my 19th year, into the heart of the 82nd Airborne Division at the John F. Kennedy Center. The old timers called Fort Bragg “Little Hell...

Women  women margaret they
8 Natural Health Beauty Tips

The number one natural beauty tip I can give you is to take your health seriously. In Chinese medicine, we know that natural external beauty is a reflection of inner health and well being. Often, the solution to external beauty problems is an interna...

Women  women beauty foods eyes natural chinese herbs
Bryn Mawr Electrology/Aesthetics


Women  women hair kathy internet visitor receive when
The wrong kind of waiting what the film Clockwatchers can teach us

Clockwatchers is about living your life on someone else's time. Four temporary office workers meet in a featureless building. We meet the heroine, Iris, as she spends much of her first day sitting in a chair where she was told to "wait till some...

Women  women iris temps office till