2,437 articles related to "writing"

7 Steps To Resale Rights Riches

Even if you never write a word of your own, you can stillearn plenty of money in the lucrative ebook business. Many ebook authors include full, royalty-free resale rights with some of their products. This means that,when you buy their ebooks, you can...

Writing  writing ebook clickbank order free
Private versus Federal Consolidation Loans – What’s the Difference?

Private versus Federal Consolidation Loans – What’s the Difference? by: Vanessa McHooley A consolidation loan lets you combine your federal student loans into a single loan with one monthly payment. There are two programs available for conso...

Writing  writing loans loan repayment plan consolidation federal payment
Write Possibilities

Write Possibilities by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-RussWe writers are a powerful lot. We control time. We dictate actions. We control destinies. We can make two completely opposite people fall in love with each other, and we can create family feuds ...

Writing  writing story write object character main about
Do You Plot With Your Character In Mind

Creative Writing Tips –You are plotting the story. You write down what will happen, what problems will arise, what obstacles you will place so the character won’t reach his goals immediately, what he’s going to do to overcome these problems etc...

Writing  writing character problems plot these
Lighten up, just a little

Humor has a place in every day life. It is a part of our conversations, our entertainment, even our personalities. Humor is used to lighten the mood, relate to others, to deal with stress and pain. It is in our workplace, our home and it should be in...

Writing  writing humor police doctor iaposm about
Writing Made The Rich #4 Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born on August 24th 1947 in Rio deJaneiro, Brazil.At age 17 he announced his intention to be a writer.It was a decision bitterly opposed by his parents,partly because Brazil at that time was under amilitary junta that persecuted writ...

Writing  writing coelho time aposs writer international
Sticks, Stones and Lawyers

Sticks, Stones and Lawyers by: Jean Fritz “But how can you say, 'It was only talk, so no harm was done?' Were this true, then your prayers, and your words of kindness, would be a waste of breath.” - Nachman of Bratslav Defamation.....

Writing  writing person material statement
Parent PLUS Loans

Parent PLUS Loans by: Vanessa McHooley Do you have good credit that you would like to put towards the further education of your child? Is your child planning on becoming a student at an American college or university? Is your child a dependent a...

Writing  writing loan college plus university child education
Inside Elance Thirteen Writers Explain Why Elance Works for Them

Browsing through the writing projects at Elance, one thing stands out. It’s the “Recent Earnings” figures listed with each bidder’s name. These aren’t fake figures – these figures show what real writers have been able to earn and they ran...

Writing  writing elance projects people clients find
How You Can Find Freelance Writing Employment

How You Can Find Freelance Writing Employment by: Niall Cinneide How can you find writing jobs? Do you have proven skills that can propel you in the right direction? If so, then why are you looking for fresh vacancies? The best tool to those who...

Writing  writing employment jobs those