You have just completed a draft of an article. It seemsflat, even to you. It needs some spunk. Needs to be morealive. Possibly you're at a loss on how to spruce it up sothat it creates an emotional connection with the readers.A flat fiction char...
Writing writing article tone nonfiction loveTechnically they’re written e-zine (not ezine) although calling them an electronic newsletter e-news or Internet newsletter i-news clarifies what they are much better. They were given the name e-zine (short for electronicmagazine). Some people pron...
Writing writing zine newsletter people zines themTitle: HOW TO STYLE YOUR STORYAuthor: Arthur ZuluContact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.comCopyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002Word Count: 613Web Address: Publishing Guidelines: Permission is ...
Writing writing tone language writeWeeding Out Your Writing An accepted fact with any garden is that there will be weeds. Some have a lot and some have a few. However many there are, one thing is for certain. People pull them out, and throw them away. Weeds drain needed moisture and s...
Writing writing weeds weeding writeThere are so many elements that play a very important part in every ad, sales letter, brochure or any piece of business communication that you write. And one of the most important elements is the headline.The headline of your piece will either makes ...
Writing writing headline reader peopleHow New Authors Can Keep Their Manuscripts Coherent by: Marvin D. Cloud In large publishing houses, many manuscripts penned by first-time authors, never make it past the "first reader" who for all practical purposes is a gatekeeper of sorts. Thi...
Writing writing theme book story7 Ways In Which You Can Overcome Excuses for Not Marketing Your Website by Writing Articles by: Laurie Meade Wannabe writers, are full of excuses as to why they aren’t writing yet. Many of these excuses can be changed to proactive statements ...
Writing writing excuse someFor just about anybody who spends time on the internet learning any new tips for writing is probably of the most benefit to them. This is simply because the vast majority of communications is done through written text. Now for anybody marketing on th...
Writing writing content effective peopleWhen marketing on the internet one of your very first priorities will be to establish some type of content development strategy. The reason for this is actually quite simple since you will find the need for engaging and useful information in many asp...
Writing writing useful contentOne of the most common book writing challenges is getting startedtaking action on your book idea and actually sitting down at the computer to write. This holds more aspiring authors back than anything else, and I spend a great deal of my time telling...
Writing writing book start