2,437 articles related to "writing"

Why We Don't Write Our Books

Why We Don't Write Our Books by: Suzanne Falter-Barns In the ten years that I’ve taught people how to get on with their books, I’ve noticed a phenomenon that I’ll call “Author’s Block.” Would-be writers can, indeed, sit down and...

Writing  writing book write
Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Seller?

Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Seller? by: Dawn Josephson Everyone has a unique story to tell. From explaining business processes to revealing our personal history, we all have a natural desire to share our experiences with the world. As ...

Writing  writing book people business audience
Ready, Set, Go Sell Your Book In The Real World!

Ready, Set, Go Sell Your Book In The Real World! by: Mary HolzrichterWe hear a lot these days about more books actually being sold 'outside' the traditional bookstore. Think about it. When was the last time you actually took time to li...

Writing  writing book time head think know
Giving Yourself the Right to Write

Giving Yourself the Right to Write by: Michael Southon "But I've only been on the Internet 3 months! How can I write an article?” That was my reaction back in 1999 when I began my online career and heard that writing articles was the key ...

Writing  writing article mind idea
The Tale of One Life

Writers have been challenged for generations to seek out the truth, the oddities, the falsehoods, and the tiniest of details when they decide to write a biography of any person, present or past. It is not the well-known facts that will sell copies; h...

Writing  writing into
The Writer's Dilemma Should You Write For Free

Article Use GuidelinesUse in opt-in publications, or on Web sites, but please includethe resource box. Please send me a copy, if possible. Many thanks.Summary: If you're a professional writer, it goes against thegrain to write for free. But it m...

Writing  writing write youaposre free

Whatever kind of writing you do - whether it is non-fiction, fiction, or a combination of everything and a little bit of this or that, all writing has one thing in common. This common thread weaves its way in and out of all our written words. You can...

Writing  writing know
Writing for Dollars - How to get Started

“When you provide good information from which readers can learn and profit, people are more likely to buy your products and services.” - Heidi Richards -So just how do you get started? The first step, of course is to write the article. The second...

Writing  writing article articles write about
Is It Worth Hiring A Professional Copywriter?

Is It Worth Hiring A Professional Copywriter? by: Amber McNaught "Article writers wanted: I will pay $3.50 per article. Must be quality writing – no hobbyists!" No, this isn't a joke. It's an actual job advert, posted on a website ea...

Writing  writing think article people
Blogger Encourages Writers to Blog a Book

As it gets harder and harder for aspiring authors to get their books picked up by traditional publishing houses, more and more bloggers are finding publishers simply coming to them with contracts in hand. If you keep up with books at all, you know th...

Writing  writing book blog books they