2,437 articles related to "writing"

Internet Authors Don't Need Club Class

If you go into any supermarket in England and inspect the fruit, you may be pleased to see that some of the apples are bagged up and labelled 'Class 1'. However, looking around, you may be surprised to note that there aren't any corres...

Writing  writing people aposclass itaposs apos
Internet Authors aren't losers

Ask the majority of so-called 'gurus' to talk about business or self-improvement, and here's a funny thing. They start talking about sport. That's odd. Sport isn't the same as life. It's completely different. As Brian Tr...

Writing  writing gameaposs life people sport
Writing for Writing

Writers writing about writing may seem to be a highly conceited act. Since I am not reeaaally a writer, or at least I don't claim myself to be one, I guess me giving tips on writing can be taken casually. Preferably with a pinch of salt. I may n...

Writing  writing write there
Creative Writing: Tips To Make Your Creative Written Work Sell

Creative writing is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. However, you really don't need a special talent for it. What you need is a paper, a pen and a very good imagination that is worthy of telling your story to other people. With good...

Writing  writing write need
Writing Tips - The 4 Traits of Successful Children's Book Writers

My son's been taking karate for 4 years, and every time he tests for the next rank (he's up to his brown now), fewer kids who started with him as white belts test alongside him. It's not that Matt's necessarily a better athlete th...

Writing  writing book donapost they
Tips For Writing an Article That Can Be Understood

The reason for writing articles is to communicate the writer's thoughts. Honest, that's all it really is! And the best possible way to do that is to be direct and tell what is on your mind. Also make sure you deliver what the article title ...

Writing  writing article mind sure make
How to Write Articles Effectively: Article Writing Skills

If you know how to write articles effectively, so that they do the job you want them to do, then any time you have the need you will be able to write an article to achieve your objective. Article writing skills are learned, and how quickly you learn ...

Writing  writing article articles write
Your Book Is a Business

You're passionate about your message. Whether it's about frogs, women business owners, or creating financial stability, you have this burning desire to get your message out and help people (or frog lovers). The best way to do that is to wri...

Writing  writing book business other
How to get your customers to trust your website

You’re welcome to publish this article free of charge provided: - you include the byline - byline includes a functioning link to http://www.divinewrite.com - you don’t change the article in any way - you provide a courtesy copy once publishedHow ...

Writing  writing internet
Article Submitting: How To Study A Publisher’s Website

Article Submitting: How To Study A Publisher’s Website by: Catherine Franz There are many websites that will host your articles on the Internet. Some small, some large, some with guidelines, some without, some support streams of topics, some h...

Writing  writing article sites there