Seven Things You Should Never Say To A Car Salesman

"I used to sell cars"

I can't tell you how many people have said this in an effort to make the salesperson think that they are going to be a tough customer. If it's not true, they will see through the ruse in an instant! Even if it is true, you will become a special project for the entire sales department, to prove they can outsmart you.

The attitude is this, "If you USED to sell cars... you obviously weren't any good!"

"I love it!"

You might as well say, "I'm willing to pay whatever you ask to get this car."

Sure, you can let the salesperson know you like something, but please play it somewhat cool, or they will know they have NO incentive to give you a deal at all.

"I'm waiting for a settlement."

Fill in the blank with whatever... Insurance, Divorce, Estate. Yes, we've heard this one a thousand times. It usually comes right after you've wasted three hours of your salesperson's day, with gushing promises to come back when the money comes in.

Your salesman knows the money isn't coming in, and that you won't be back. Very few things are more unfair to a commissioned salesperson than to pull this old trick. Just admit you're broke, and not buying, right from the beginning!

"My credit is terrible"

This is a tough one, but I think it deserves a spot on the list. You know your credit is awful because you've been rejected 7 times this month. No one will sell to you if you pay cash, as the saying goes. But what if you really only got rejected once?

You told the next salesperson your credit was bad, and he wouldn't give you the time of day... and on it goes. Let the salesperson do their research, let her ask the right credit questions, you may be surprised that someone really can find a way to sell you car!

"My credit is Terrific"

Avoid this one for three reasons. First, no one likes a braggart much. Second, it gets the salesman thinking they have an easy sale in the bag. They may try to rush you to a close, and try to sell you all kinds of goofy "Extras" because they believe you can afford it. The third reason? Crow tastes terrible when you find out your credit score took an unknown drop recently.

"I need to talk to my about this."

Wife, Dad, Grandma, Priest... the never-present scapegoat. Seriously, if you're going car shopping, bring everybody along that needs to be involved in the decision. Why should your salesman have to go through the whole presentation twice? Usually, this is just a lame excuse because you're afraid to say no. You have my permission, you can say no... this tactic just makes you look weak.

"I don't like the brand you sell"

Why in the name of sanity would you be looking at Fords if you don't like Fords? Name any brand... same thing. Maybe, only maybe, this will be worth saying if you are looking at used cars. Otherwise, you will pretty much look like a huge goofball. People do this all the time, and I've never figured out what they think they will gain from it but animosity. If you understand, leave me a comment!