How To Pull More Profits From Low Traffic Websites

Sure, making money online with tons of traffic is easy.

But what if you don’t have much traffic? Is it still possible to
make a good income online?

Yes, it’s possible. You just have to learn how to pull more
profits from the hits you do get. And below I’ve outlined 5
different ways I’ve pulled more profits from my sites with low

1) Increase The Price Of Your Product Or Service

Most people don’t buy because of price, but rather they buy
because they feel the price is worth what they’re getting.

So, if you can justify a price increase for your service or
product, you can immediately start bringing in more profits for
every sale. And the fact is, with a justified price raise your
sales won’t drop off, and at times, will actually increase.

2) Back End Your Customers

Once a customer buys from you it’s time to put more products in
front of them.

I’ve sold ebooks and then offered resell rights later. This can
bring in more profits.

Or perhaps you can offer additional books, reports, and tools
that all support your main product. These can be offered over and
over again.

Even if you don’t have the time to create new backend products,
you should still put this technique into action because of the
profits it generates. Offer products through affiliate programs.
Or even better, get reprint rights to solid products so you can
keep all the profits. A great place to get rights to proven
products is

3) Tweak Your Sales Letter Until It Converts Better

Instead of making a sale every 300 hits, you can rework your
sales letter or have a professional do it so you can start
pulling sales from every 100, 50, or even 25 visitors to your

Just look at the facts:

A sales letter selling a $29 product that converts 1 out of 300
into customers will only make $87 off of 900 hits a week.

But that same product with a sales letter that converts just 1
out of every 100 means you’ve instantly tripled your profits to
$260 with the same amount of hits.

4) Capture Your Prospects Email Addresses

Then, use an autoresponder to remind them and give them different
benefits of your offer and product.

After trying to sell your prospects on your offer by sending them
7 autoresponder messages, you might want to write a few more
messages promoting other offers that match your own, but give
different benefits.

You can also work on collecting emails for a newsletter. This
gives you a chance to offer your products on an ongoing basis.
And once you get a large subscriber base, you can begin charging
for advertising.

5) Create A Exit Pop-Up With More Targeted Offers

If you can’t sell prospects on your offer, maybe you can sell
them on another.

Create a pop up that “pops” when the customer leaves and give
them more offers that match with yours. You can do this with
affiliate programs, or you can offer your backends.

Traffic is precious. Set goals today to pull more profits from
each hit you get.

About the Author

Grady Smith provides hard-core killer copywriting at prices you
can afford. Use him for your sales letters, classified ads, and
autoresponder messages to set your marketing efforts on fire.
Stop by and get your FREE critique and
quote to learn how YOU can make more money!