What is POS Software?

POS software is an acronym that stands for point of sale software. Please, do not be fooled by the similarity to another acronym that also features P, O, and S. This software is actually very useful and some of its many features will be outline below to give you a feel for the many ways that it can improve your company.

To put it in layman's terms, point of sale software is an intelligent system that organizes all of the data related to sales and inventory management. In other words, it tracks, records, and organizes all of your seemingly endless statistics on sales and revenue. This is extremely helpful for the small retail chain owner who has more than one retail sales location. To illustrate the capabilities of hosted retail point of sale software, a simple example will be utilized.

Imagine for a moment that you own five retail sales locations and you are extremely interested in the progress of each location on a daily basis. With a traditional cash register, you will know the total number of sales for that day as well as the employees who worked. If you own hosted point of sale software, you will know the total number of sales for that day, which products were sold and how many of each, the times at which each sale occurred, which employees were responsible for which sales, and a variety of other important information. Are you beginning to see the difference and advantage of point of sale software?

Are you familiar with the guessing game that is often known as inventory management? Everyone knows that you do not actually know how much of each item you have in the stock room right now. True, at the time of the delivery, you knew exactly how many units of each product you received, but after two or three days, those counts are already inaccurate. This lack of knowledge oftentimes leads to the phrase, which is a nemesis to all consumers, ?That is out of stock." A hosted POS software system removes the uncertainty from inventory management. When the product is delivered, you enter it into your inventory database, which just so happens to be connected to the sales counter. When a sale is made, the software will instantly and automatically delete each sold unit from your inventory stock sheet. That way, you will know at any given moment just how many units of each product you have in stock. On top of that, point of sale software will notify you when each item reaches a predetermined level and is in need of reordering. You will not have to worry about things being out of stock again.

The aforementioned features are just two of the countless features of hosted point of sale software. The bottom line of this software is that it will bring a new level of organization to your place of commerce. Without a doubt, it will make your inventory more manageable and will allow you to become more familiar with the sales of your company. A hosted point of sale software system will give you an advantage over the competition.

Point of Sale Software