The MSP Advanced Practitioner Exam

(Note: The MSP Advanced Practitioner Certificate is the same as the old MSP Practitioner Certificate. This change was made by the APM Group (APMG) in September 2007).

The MSP Practitioner Certificate is awarded for the comprehensive understanding of the principles and theory of Managing Successful Programmes, the programme management methodology developed by the Office of Government Commerce and used throughout the public and private sector. The methodology is outlined in the MSP manual, and is taught by Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs) in preparation for the MSP Practitioner exam.

The awarding-body for the MSP qualifications is the APMG, which is also responsible for the PRINCE2 Project Management qualifications. According to the APMG, the pass-rate for the Advanced Practitioner exam is 70%.

Who should take the Advanced Practitioner exam?

The MSP Advanced Practitioner exam is intended for current and aspiring Programme Managers. It is also highly suitable for Business Change Managers and Programme Office Managers, as well as anybody who needs to have a thorough grasp of the MSP methodology.

Anybody who wishes to gain the MSP Advanced Practitioner qualification must first pass the MSP Foundation and Practitioner exams. These can be taken as a single course or as separate modules.

The Exam Structure