How to Protect your Dog and Family from Roundworms.

Roundworms have long been a major concern for pet owners and families alike since they can cause serious health problems when left untreated. Ensuring the safety and health of your dog and family from roundworms is essential, and it requires a comprehensive approach. In this article, we will discuss how you can protect your dog and family from roundworms.

What are roundworms?

Roundworms are common parasites that infect both dogs and humans. They are round, white, and can grow to be several inches long. They can cause various health issues ranging from minor illnesses to severe conditions like blindness, seizures, and even death in extreme cases.

Roundworms in dogs are transmitted through contact with contaminated soil, feces, or other infected animals. Puppies can be infected through the mother's milk, while adult dogs may be infected through contact with infected feces or soil. Once they are inside the dog's body, they multiply quickly and can cause severe health issues if left untreated.

How can you protect your dog and family from roundworms?

1. Regular deworming

Deworming is the most effective way to protect your dog and family from roundworms. The treatment kills the parasites and prevents them from multiplying inside the dog's body. Deworming is recommended for puppies every two weeks until they are twelve weeks old. Older dogs need to be dewormed every three to six months, depending on their lifestyle and risk factors.

It's essential to follow a veterinarian's advice on deworming medication, dosage, and frequency to ensure your pet's health is not compromised by inappropriate use of medication.

2. Clean up after your dog

Roundworm eggs can survive in soil for a long time and can easily be transmitted through contact with feces in the environment. It's essential to clean up after your dog, remove feces from your yard, and dispose of them properly. It's also essential to prevent your dog from defecating in public spaces, especially where children play.

3. Wash your hands

Roundworms can easily be transmitted through contact with contaminated soil or feces. It's essential to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling your dog, especially after cleaning up after them or changing their bedding. If your children have been playing with dogs, it's important to wash their hands to prevent roundworm infection.

4. Keep your dog on a leash

Allowing your dog to roam freely can increase the risk of infection from contact with contaminated soil or feces. Keeping your dog on a leash allows you to control their movements and prevent them from sniffing or eating feces from the ground.

5. Maintain a clean environment

Roundworms can survive in soil and other contaminated surfaces. To prevent your dog from getting infected, it's essential to keep their environment clean. Regularly cleaning their bedding, toys, and other items can help reduce the risk of infection.

6. Keep your dog healthy

A healthy dog with a robust immune system is less susceptible to roundworm infections. It's essential to provide your dog with a healthy diet and proper exercise to keep them in good health.

7. Prevent your dog from eating raw meat or prey

Raw meat or prey can be a source of roundworms for dogs. It's essential to cook all meat thoroughly before feeding it to your dog and to prevent your dog from eating prey or raw animal parts.


Protecting your dog and family from roundworms requires a comprehensive approach that involves regular deworming medication, cleaning up after your dog, washing your hands, maintaining a clean environment, keeping your dog healthy, and preventing them from eating raw meat or prey. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection and keep your dog and family healthy and safe. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for advice on the safest and most effective way to protect your dog from roundworms.