Caring for and Planting a Balled in Burlap Christmas Tree

A balled in burlap Christmas tree is a great choice for those who want to enjoy the tradition of a real tree but also want to reduce their impact on the environment. These trees come with their root systems intact and can be replanted after the holiday season. However, caring for and planting a balled in burlap Christmas tree requires some extra effort compared to a regular cut tree. Here are some tips to help you care for and plant your balled in burlap Christmas tree.

Choose a healthy tree

When selecting a balled in burlap Christmas tree, it is important to choose a healthy one. Look for a tree with vibrant green foliage and a sturdy root ball wrapped in burlap. Check for signs of damage or disease, such as yellowing needles or brown patches. A healthy tree is more likely to survive the transplantation process and thrive in its new home.

Keep the tree watered

Once you bring the tree home, keep it well hydrated by watering it regularly. The soil in the root ball should be moist but not waterlogged. Water the tree deeply, allowing the water to soak in rather than just moistening the top layer of soil. However, be careful not to overwater the tree, as this can lead to root rot.

Avoid exposing the tree to extreme temperatures

Balled in burlap Christmas trees are sensitive to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Keep the tree away from heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces, as this can dry out the foliage. Similarly, avoid placing the tree in a drafty area where it could be exposed to cold winter air. Ideal temperatures for a balled in burlap Christmas tree are between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Plan for the tree's future location

Before you plant the tree, consider where you want it to grow and thrive after the holiday season. Balled in burlap trees can be quite heavy, so choose a location that is easily accessible. The tree will need a lot of sunlight, so choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Avoid planting the tree too close to buildings or other trees, as this can stunt its growth.

Plant the tree properly

When it comes time to plant your balled in burlap Christmas tree, follow these steps for success:

1. Dig a hole that is slightly wider than the root ball but not much deeper.

2. Remove any twine or wire around the trunk and carefully remove the burlap from around the root ball. If the burlap is synthetic, cut it away instead of trying to remove it.

3. Place the tree in the hole and backfill with soil, making sure to tamp down the soil around the root ball.

4. Water the tree thoroughly to help settle the soil around the roots.

5. Mulch around the base of the tree with a layer of organic material such as wood chips or leaves.

6. Water the tree regularly during the growing season, and monitor its growth and health.

In conclusion, caring for and planting a balled in burlap Christmas tree requires some extra effort, but it is worth it to enjoy a beautiful and eco-friendly living tree. By following these tips, you can help your tree thrive and enjoy it for years to come.