100 articles on "gardening"

A Rose Is A Rose

A Rose Is a RoseNothing is perhaps more beautiful and more touching than a bouquet of freshly picked roses with prickly thorns. They connote a virginal woman with long, sharp fingernails. If you want to be stylish yet be able to save (hey, roses are ...

Gardening  gardening roses blooming hybrid winter
A Rose Is A Rose

"A rose is a rose" is a saying that has been used throughout literature and speech to describe something that is undeniable or self-evident. It is a simple and concise phrase that is often used to convey a powerful message. When we speak about roses...

Gardening  gardening roses blooming hybrid winter
EPDM Pond Liners

EPDM Pond Liners have high expansion and contraction characteristics that enable it to conform to objects below the pond. Should earth movement occur, such as settling, EPDMs high elongation will enable it to stretch. EPDM pond liners flexibility pro...

Gardening  gardening pond liner ponds liners such
Lawn Care Tips

A beautiful lawn does not come without some effort. Depending upon what type of soil you have, the amount of effort will vary. For instance when raising trees and shrubs, sandy or a gravel base soil is great. Landscape plants like well drained soiled...

Gardening  gardening grass lawn seed seeds mulch will
Avoiding Fertilizer burn on your lawn

Fertilizer burn appears when fertilizer is spread unevenly or in excessive amounts needed across the lawn. It is the browning and possible killing of plants that have been exposed to excessive nitrogen. It is easy to spot because it appears across th...

Gardening  gardening lawn fertilizer burn nitrogen avoid
EPDM Pond Liners

When it comes to building a backyard pond, one of the most important decisions you’ll face is what type of liner to use. After all, the liner is the foundation of your pond and will ultimately determine its health and longevity. There are a variety...

Gardening  gardening pond liner ponds liners such
Lawn Care Tips

Maintaining a beautiful lawn is not only a source of pride for homeowners, but it also increases the value of their property. However, achieving a lush green lawn requires a lot of effort and consistency. Here are some essential lawn care tips to kee...

Gardening  gardening grass lawn seed seeds mulch will
Beware of Toxic Mulch

Beware of Toxic MulchHere in Ohio the most popular type of mulch that people use is shredded hardwood bark mulch, which is a by product of the timber industry. When they haul the logs into the sawmill the first thing they do is debark them. Years ago...

Gardening  gardening mulch pile toxic plants they
Create more Blossoms on Your Flowers

The secret to making your flowering trees, shrubs, annuals, and perennials bloom more is in the numbers. All fertilizers have analysis numbers on the package. These numbers represent the percentage of each chemical the product contains. For example, ...

Gardening  gardening fertilizer plants nitrogen flower garden little hose
Understanding the nutrients in fertilizer

Fertilizer labels always have three largely printed numbers, such as 10-10-10 fertilizer. This is called the fertilizer grade and it is a standard among all brands of fertilizers. These numbers represent the amount of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), ...

Gardening  gardening fertilizernutrients ratio nitrogen numbers