How to Grow Flowering Dogwood Trees from Seed

Flowering dogwood trees are one of the loveliest and most stunning trees in the spring. They greet us with their beautiful pink and white flowers and add color to our gardens. If you love flowering dogwoods and want to grow one yourself, you will be happy to know that growing them from seeds is not rocket science. It is easy to do, and the process can be quite rewarding.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to grow flowering dogwood trees from seed:

1. Collect the Seeds

The first step to growing flowering dogwood trees from seed is to collect the seeds. You can do this in the fall, when the flowers turn into fruit and the seeds are ripe. To collect them, simply pick up the fruit that has fallen to the ground and take out the seeds from each fruit. Make sure that the fruit and seeds are not damaged. You can also buy dogwood seeds from nurseries or online if you cannot collect them yourself.

2. Prepare the Seeds

Once you have collected the seeds, you need to prepare them to plant. The seeds need to be cold stratified to break their dormancy. To do this, place the seeds in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel and put them in the refrigerator for about four months. During this time, the seeds will absorb moisture, which will help them germinate.

3. Plant the Seeds

After four months of cold stratification, it is time to plant the seeds. You can plant dogwood seeds directly in the ground if the soil is loose and well-drained. To plant the seeds, dig a hole about one inch deep and put one seed in each hole. Cover the hole with soil and water the area well. If you want to grow the seeds in pots, you can use peat pots or biodegradable containers. Plant the seeds about ΒΌ inch deep and cover them with soil. Water the pots well and cover them with plastic wrap.

4. Care for the Seeds

To grow flowering dogwood trees from seed, you need to care for the seeds. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. The seeds need to be kept in a warm and sunny place, but not in direct sunlight. Once the seeds have germinated, you can transplant them into a bigger pot or directly into the ground if the weather is warm enough. Make sure to water the plants regularly and provide them with enough fertilizer.

5. Watch the Seeds Grow

Growing flowering dogwood trees from seed is a slow process. It can take up to four years for the tree to grow up to 10 feet tall. Be patient and watch the seeds grow. Once the tree has grown, it will be a beautiful addition to your garden.

In conclusion, growing flowering dogwood trees from seed is an enjoyable and easy process. It takes some patience to see the tree grow, but it is worth the effort. Follow these five steps and start growing your own flowering dogwood tree from seed.