An obvious way to increase sales is to attract more
prospects to your business. But it's easier and less
expensive to increase sales by converting more of the
prospects you're already getting into customers.

Here are 2 proven tactics you can use to convert a higher
percentage of your prospects into customers. Both are simple
procedures any business can implement quickly for little or
no cost.


Most prospects who take the time to consider your product or
service would like to buy from you. But they decided other
things they want are either more important or more urgent.
One way to capture many of these sales is to dramatically
improve your offer. Create a "good deal" that's so enticing
it becomes their first choice.

You don't have to reduce your price to improve your offer.
Instead, simply load your offer with bonuses. Whatever you
offer as a bonus must have a high perceived value to your
customers even if it costs you little or nothing. Loading
your offer with bonuses is an effective motivator even when
you increase the price of your offer to cover the additional

IMPORTANT: Always include an expiration date for your
special offer. Give prospects the choice to either accept
your offer within a short time or forfeit it. This will
motivate many prospects to delay some other purchase so they
can buy your product or service now.

TIP: To create an absolutely irresistible offer include a
special discount price AND a set of valuable bonuses in your


Most prospects won't buy the first time they hear about your
product or service. You can increase your total sales by 50
percent or more if you periodically follow up with them.

Your follow up procedure can be as simple as contacting
previous prospects every month or two with a new offer. Or
it can be more elaborate such as publishing a weekly
newsletter with information and articles related to your
product or service.

PROBLEM FOR INTERNET MARKETERS: Many visitors to your web
site want what you offer but they're not ready to buy
right now. You can't follow up with them if they click away
from your site before you find out who they are and how to
contact them.

THE SOLUTION: Post a free offer on your site for something
valuable to prospects in your targeted market. Deliver it
ONLY by email. This enables you to capture the email address
of each visitor who requests it. For example, offer a free
subscription to your email newsletter if you publish one.
Otherwise, offer a special report, a source list or other
valuable information they cannot get anywhere else.

TIP: Try to get each prospect's first name too. Use it to
personalize your follow up messages. People can't resist
reading something that's personally addressed to them.

You'll never be able to convert every prospect into a
customer. But you can convert more of them than you do now
by implementing these 2 procedures. And... these additional
sales will be very profitable because you don't have to
spend more money on advertising to get them.

About the Author

Bob Leduc retired from a 30 year career of recruiting sales
personnel and developing sales leads. He is now a Sales
Consultant. Bob recently wrote a manual for small business
owners titled "How to Build Your Small Business Fast With
Simple Postcards" and several other publications to help
small businesses grow and prosper. For more information...'subjectPostcards
Phone: (702) 658-1707 (After 10 AM Pacific time)