Neutralize The Unspoken Objections To Increase Your Sales

You can increase your sales by neutralizing the unspoken
objections your prospects may have to buying from you
...BEFORE you ask them to buy. Neutralizing unspoken
objections will increase the sales you get from your web
pages, sales letters and personal presentations.

Neutralizing objections is easier than it sounds. Most of
your prospect's objections to buying fall into 1 of only 3
categories. Let's look at these 3 categories of objections
...and some proven tactics you can use to neutralize them.


Most of your prospects have (or can get) the money to buy
what you're selling. But they have a money objection. Some
think your price is too high. Others believe they can get a
better value from a competitor.

You don't have to reduce your price to neutralize these
Money Objections. Here are 2 proven tactics that work for
any business.

Enhance the perceived value of your product or service. For
example, some businesses include with each sale a manual,
CD or downloadable e-Book crammed with information related
to using their product or service.

Another effective tactic is to promote yourself or your
company as a "Specialist" catering to the special needs of
a narrowly defined targeted market. Prospects feel
comfortable when buying from somebody who thoroughly
understands them and their unique needs. They want to do
business with you even if you don't offer the lowest

Here's a simple 3-step process you can follow to develop
yourself into a specialist:

Step 1: Divide your primary market into several more
narrowly defined specialty markets.

Step 2: Learn everything you can about prospects in each
new specialty market...and about how your product or
service meets their special needs.

Step 3: Customize your sales message to appeal directly to
the special interests and unique circumstances of prospects
in each specialty market.

TIP: If you're attracting many prospects who really don't
have (or can't get) the money to buy your product or
service you need to change your market. Target a market
where prospects have an intense desire for the benefits
produced by your product or service...AND the money to buy


Some of your prospective customer didn't buy from you
because they put a higher priority on spending their money
for something else. You can get many of these sales by
persuading them to make YOUR product or service their

For example, develop some special offers your prospects
can't resist. Create offers so enticing your prospects feel
compelled to make your product or service their priority

TIP: Include a deadline for every offer. It forces
procrastinating prospects to make a decision. Many will
decide to buy immediately so they don't forfeit your "good


Your prospects bought things in the past that didn't
produce the promised results. That makes them skeptical of
your promises. Some of the ways you can overcome their
skepticism include:

Eliminate any risk of loss. Guarantee your customer's
satisfaction. Offer to refund your customer's money if they
don't get the results they expect.

Prove your history of delivering what you promise.
Provide testimonials from satisfied customers as evidence
you've lived up to your promises in the past.

Make yourself available personally or by phone. This
is especially effective for Internet Marketers. Prospective
customers feel more secure when they can talk with a real

Neutralize all 3 of these unspoken objections before you
ask your prospects to buy. Do it in your web pages, your
sales letters, your personal presentations every message
designed to generate sales. You'll see an immediate
increase in your sales volume.

About the Author

Bob Leduc is a Sales Consultant with 30 years experience in
generating low-cost leads.
For more info:
Email: Subject: "Postcards".
Phone: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV