Put A Friendly Face On Your Sales Proposition

Picture yourself walking into the local bookstore. You
find a title you like, proceed to the sales counter,
and notice that the clerk is hiding behind the cash
register. Without ever seeing their face they run your
credit card, place your purchase in a bag, and send
you on your way.

Would you return to purchase your next book there?

Probably not. We like to be face to face when making
our purchases. Seems to make us comfortable to
actually see the face of the person taking our money.

Unfortunately, online we can’t process sales face to
face with our customer. But there are some ways to
ease the transaction for potential customers into the
online marketplace.

If a customer wants to see a face, then put a picture
on your site. It gives the potential customer a
picture of who it is that’s taking their money. I know
it helps me to be able to put a face to the words in a
sales letter I’m reading.

In creating our friendly sales letter, we want to come
as close as possible to representing the guy at the
corner hardware store. We buy from him because he has
a gentle smile. We know about his son that’s trying
out for track next week. Through meeting him we’ve
learned that he plans to retire one day soon and
travel the country with his wife in their motor home.
These tidbits make us like him and bring our business
to his store.

So how can you make your online experience like that
of the hardware store?

While a picture creates an image, it’s very two
dimensional. We need to fill it out a little with
flesh and bone.

In your sales letter, incorporate anecdotes that you
might share with a friend or customer that came into
your store. Imagine yourself behind the counter
selling your product. What would you say to make small

You might share with some of your dreams. Of course,
I’d probably give some anecdotal information that
relates to my product. An example is sharing on a
personal level how I developed the product, how it has
helped others, etc.

Sharing personal dreams and experiences with a
potential customer endears them to you. It makes them
feel comfortable to hear that you have the same fears,
dreams, and desires as they do. And it creates a real
person that they feel they can trust with their money.

Add a friendly face to your sales page, and watch your
sales explode and your customers turn into friends.

About the Author

“Homemade Shopping Sprees Made Me Rich” by Grady Smith
is a complete home business kit that others have used
to make huge profits in four months time. Check it out
at http://www.mountainhighpub.com For more FREE
articles by Grady Smith, be sure to check out