Four Reasons To Open An eBay Shop

If you are selling on eBay is likely to be limited to clearing out the clutter in your garage or attic then an eBay shop may not be something that you can benefit from. If however you wish to expand your eBay business and generate a lucrative part-time, or even full-time, income than it is important to know why you should open an eBay shop.

It's All in the Name

Humans remember names. It's a talent that we have and one that can be used to your advantage when creating your own eBay shop. Create a catchy name, provide excellent customer service and you can be sure that your buyers will return to you because they will remember where to look. On the eBay website they will either be able to search directly for your eBay shop, or even put a URL straight into their Internet browser to be taken directly to your own unique page. The repeat sales that you could take advantage of simply from setting up your own store could help to maximise your eBay income, and are one of the greatest reasons why you should open an eBay shop.

Creating a Custom Experience

One advantage of having your own eBay shop is that you can customise its design, even adding your own logo. Visitors to your shop front will appreciate a well constructed page that stands out from the crowd, just as they would appreciate a well presented shop on the high street. This custom design can also help to increase your credibility, as can the ability to list a phone number and other contact details on your eBay shop page.

Research and Reporting

One advantage of establishing your own eBay shop is the comprehensive sales report that eBay provides. You will be able to see your monthly sales according to each category in which your items are listed, as well as how you are succeeding amongst rival sellers within the same niche market. This information can help you to tailor your auctions to reach your prospective buyers, as well as keeping tabs on your best selling items.

Stand up and Be Noticed

eBay frequently releases data about the sellers on its website, showing consistently that an increase in sales is a natural progression from creating an eBay shop. This is due to increased exposure and therefore an increased level of traffic to each and every item that you list on eBay. What's more, the more goods that you start to sell and the greater the emphasis you start to place on customer service, the higher your feedback rating. This positive feedback rating could, in time, enable you to be classed as a top rated seller providing you with discounts on your eBay fees.

Hopefully you should now see the importance of why you should open an eBay shop. This simple act could soon see your profits soaring and your eBay business growing beyond your wildest dreams.