Border Collie Training - Controlling Separation Anxiety

Border collies are known as one of the most intelligent and active dog breeds in the world. They are widely used as working dogs in farms due to their strong work ethics and ability to herd sheep and cattle. But despite their efficient working abilities, they can also be a handful to control, especially when they develop separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety is a condition where a dog becomes distressed or anxious when left alone by its owner. This behavior may manifest in various ways such as howling, barking, whining, destruction of property, and even peeing or pooping indoors.

If you own a border collie with separation anxiety, you might wonder how to deal with this problem. Luckily, with proper training and consistency, you can control separation anxiety in your border collie. Here are some tips to help you train your border collie to overcome separation anxiety:

1. Practice short separation sessions.

Training your border collie to be alone takes time and patience. You want to make sure that your dog does not develop any stress or anxiety associated with being left alone. Start with short separation sessions, such as leaving your dog alone for a few minutes while you go to another room.

Gradually, increase the time you spend away from your dog. Make sure to vary the times and locations so your dog becomes accustomed to being alone without becoming anxious.

2. Create a safe space.

Dogs become anxious when they are in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable environment. To prevent this from happening, create a safe space for your border collie. This can be a crate, dog bed, or a designated area in your house where your dog feels safe and secure.

Ensure that the space is comfortable and that your dog has access to water and toys. This will help your dog feel comfortable and confident when you are not around.

3. Keep your departure calm.

Dogs can pick up on your emotions and demeanor. When you leave the house, do not make it a big deal. Keep your departure calm and matter-of-fact. This will help your dog feel relaxed and confident when you are leaving.

4. Use calming techniques.

Calming techniques can help reduce your dog's anxiety levels. One useful technique is to play calming music or white noise to create a relaxing atmosphere. Also, using a pheromone spray or diffuser can help reduce your dog's anxiety levels.

5. Get your dog plenty of exercise.

Border collies are high-energy dogs that require a lot of exercise. Engage your dog in regular walks, runs, and play sessions to help burn off that energy. When your dog has exercised enough, they will be tired and more likely to sleep during your absence.

6. Seek professional help.

If your dog's separation anxiety is severe, it may be wise to seek professional help. A dog behaviorist or veterinarian can help formulate a comprehensive training plan to deal with your dog's anxiety issues.

Separation anxiety in dogs can be a frustrating and challenging issue to deal with. By following these border collie training tips, you can help your dog overcome separation anxiety and become a more relaxed and confident companion. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, and most importantly, love and care for your dog through the process.