Dachshund Clicker Training - Ways to Clicker Train a Dachshund
Clicker training uses positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviors. Any dog is able to be clicker trained, it does not matter what their age, experience or background is. Dachshunds are self-reliant and somewhat stubborn, so you may assume clicker training would not work. This is not true. Dachshunds are surprisingly simple to clicker train, so long as you let them assume that they are in charge of the training session..
Dachshund Clicker Training - How Does it Work?
Dachshund clicker training works by training them that the noise from the clicker (a plastic box with a metal spring inside, that makes a loud click when pressed), followed by a prize (treat or praise) means that they are doing the correct thing. When utilising a clicker, timing is vital. You must click at the precise moment that the Dachshund demonstrates the skill you want. This allows them to associate the click and reward with the behavior, which reinforces the behavior itself.
Beginning Dachshund Clicker Training
Before you can start Dachshund clicker training, you need to to teach them what the clicker is and what it means. To do this, take your Dachshund to a quiet place, click the clicker and give them a tasty treat. Continue doing this until they look towards you when they hear the click. Once your Dachshund understands the meaning of the clicker you can start training commands, behaviors and skills. Dachshunds have short attention spans, so formal training sessions should be kept short. It could therefore take several sessions before a Dachshund is conditioned to the clicker.
There are two clicker training methods, luring and capturing. Capturing can occur anywhere at any time. You always have a clicker and treats with you and when you see a desired behavior you click and give a reward. You observe your dog and at the precise moment they do the skill you want (e.g. lying down) you click and reward. Luring is a more formal training method.
1. Find a calm place to train, and work to condition your Dachshund to the clicker if you haven't already done so. if your Dachshund understands the importance of the clicker, click and reward a couple of times prior to starting training to reinforce the meaning.
2. Work on one behavior at a time (e.g. down, sit, or stay), using a treat to lure your Dachshund into the right position. At the instant they complete the behavior click and give a treat.
3. If the whole behavior is too intricate for your Dachshund to learn, you can break it into segments, clicking and rewarding as they move towards completing the final behavior. It may take a while to clicker train a Dachshund, don't be discouraged if it does. With resolve and determination you will be successful.
Voice Commands
When your Dachshund demonstrates the skill when they see the clicker, without you needing to use a lure, add a verbal command when you are about to click. It will not take much for your Dachshund to tie the verbal command, click, reward and behavior. From this point forward click and reward only when your Dachshund performs the behavior after you have given the cue. When your Dachshund is dependably responding to a verbal cue or hand gesture in conjunction with the clicker, slowly but surely decrease the use of the clicker and treat, until your Dachshund responds to the voice command only, that is, they have mastered the skill.
There are many reasons to clicker train a Dachshund. You can train central obedience commands, teach tricks and stop unwanted behaviors like barking.