5 articles on "clicker"

Puppy Training Like an Expert

When it comes to puppy house training everybody wants to do it fast and simple. Instructing a puppy or a grown dog is, like life, an ongoing and occasionally messy procedure. Professionals have learned that food, while a excellent incentive, really s...

Pets And Animals  pets animals puppy verbal instruction clicker from
Using A Clicker Vs Traditional Approach... The Flawed Clicker Training Methodology!

There are two points you must recognize:1.) You CAN train a dog using a traditional approach AND use the clicker. It depends on your style, but yes... I've had very good results using the clicker as an event marker, and for getting the dog to un...

Family  family clicker training dogs behavior
Clicker Training You French Bulldog

You're at the park with your French Bulldog "Simon" one day and see someone pointing what looks like a small garage door opener at their golden retriever. Wondering if you stepped onto a movie set, you watch for a minute to see what's going...

Pets And Animals  pets animals clicker training simon behavior click
Click And Treat Is For The Dogs

Click And Treat Is For The Dogs by: Kirsten Hawkins Becoming the first major improvement in dog training since choke chains and spiked collars, click and treat has quickly revolutionized itself in becoming a big hit on the training circuit. Curr...

Pets And Animals  pets animals treat clicker training behavior method
Dachshund Clicker Training - Ways to Clicker Train a Dachshund

Clicker training uses positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviors. Any dog is able to be clicker trained, it does not matter what their age, experience or background is. Dachshunds are self-reliant and somewhat stubborn, so you may assume clic...

Pets And Animals  pets animals clicker dachshund training behavior they