Discover Secrets Today Before You Buy a Puppy

Want to get a new puppy dog for your children? Discover the pit falls to avoid that many people fall for when they decide to invite a new puppy dog into their home.

Taking on a puppy is without a doubt a very electrifying moment, once you have arrived at the verdict to own one, nevertheless before the moment arrives it is important to do your research and get as much information as possible.

The question is which option are you going to take the free option or the paid option? This may not appear to be essential but it really is for numerous reasons.

Let's consider the alternatives the free one is first on the list, this is okay, however this option is comparative to your situation and who ever else may be involved.

When free puppies are available the owner is usually desperate to get rid of them, due to the fact it was not a planned event for the dog, and are often stuck with lots of puppies that they can ill afford to keep. The feelings are mixed to make a decision to have them destroyed or give them away as a gift, obviously the choice would be to save their lives and give them away.

Alternatively the breed of dog is a consideration not to be taken lightly for instance; is the animal going to grow to be a large dog and will you have enough room for him in your home when he is fully grown? You want to avoid buying a dog that is too big for the house when it becomes an adult.

Do you have young children? In this situation you need to settle for a dog that is patient with regard to children, certain breeds of dogs for example; a Jack Russell can be quite bad tempered when they are messed about with and turn quite grumpy.

A further consideration to the free puppy option is in most cases it is not going to be a thorough bred, unless the breeders have the dog and the bitch that have mated, but if not it could be any dog in the neighbourhood so you can not be certain how the dog will be as an adult as far as temperament is concerned.

With regards to the paid option then you have the opportunity to investigate the situation to the fullest extent, you will have a choice of what breed of dog you would like, for example if you have children then choose a breed of dog that loves children. You may be looking for a dog for security reasons in this situation that changes many things.

You may be planning on breeding dogs in which case it would be essential to buy a dog and a bitch which you know there background and history.

Exercising dogs and how much of it is required is very much down to the breed of dog, but having said that all dogs have to have some exercise.

Are you out of the house all day due to full time work? In this situation I don't think keeping a puppy would be an option, a puppy that spends all day cooped up in a confined space makes a very miserable puppy, dogs are not toys they like to be cared for just like we do.

Last but not least to get a healthy dog is essential the last thing you want is a sick dog, that can cost you a lot of money in vet bills.

These are just a few pointers to take into consideration before getting a puppy. Unfortunately this is only a brief outline to what you need to know in this article, but it should be helpful to get started.