Discover Secrets Today How To Get Rid of Fleas in Dogs

Many dogs and animals today are infested with parasites and having an effect on the physical condition of your pets. Discover secrets today how to eliminate fleas and parasites that are shortening your dog's life, and making life miserable for them.

Fleas are without doubt one of a dogs major problems, the fact is size makes little difference in this case and he cannot see them but make no mistake they can have a devastating effect on a dogs health.

The uncertainty is how to eliminate fleas when a dog is overrun with them?

The thing to consider is that fleas are everywhere, if your dog is infected in your home and garden are further places to look, and what's more they drink human blood for food in addition to dogs blood. Their eggs and young are everywhere in your home dog and garden.

The facts are when the weather gets cold this does not eliminate the fleas due to the fact they go into hibernation, and as soon as the weather starts to get warmer they continue to breed in their thousands by jumping around and laying eggs, they are not visible with the human eye, however the evidence is plain to see when it effects your dogs health and well being.

Not many people are aware the fleas spend very little of their time on the dog and that's why there are very difficult to get rid of them. When you are looking for a solution you will require a pretty strong repellent to eliminate the adult fleas, but also to kill the young fleas and the eggs that are hatching.

Prevention is far better than cure with regard to fleas. There are many ways to avoid fleas; this is like going to war, so treat it as one, what you must bear in mind there are thousands of fleas to get rid of.

It is important to keep a diary to how often to treat your dog with flea remedies, this can fluctuate in different breeds of dogs, and furthermore dependent on the dogs age, a good vet will provide you with this information.

The over the counter treatments are not recommended by vets and the reason is, the different size, shape, and age of dogs are various and the treatment should vary accordingly in order to be affective.

What might be okay for a large dog would not be applicable for a small dog, and furthermore there are many other parasites to take into consideration for instance; mite's ticks.

If your dog and home is infested with fleas then there are a couple of options you might consider.

The first action is to purchase a pesticide and treat the whole house and the back yard; the facts are this operation has to be carried out with the utmost efficiency, however it is important to be aware that the substances are very strong and can have an effect on people and animals that are allergic to these substances, but it is probably the fasted way to get rid of fleas.

The second method is not quite so harsh and that is to take a visit to the vets and get him to give you a prescription for a tropical anti flea solution for your dog or animal, however you are not off the hook yet, you will have to clean every room every day with a powerful vacuum cleaner, plus insert a flea collar in the vacuum cleaner bag to eliminate any fleas that the vacuum cleaner sucks up.

Another consideration is clothes and bedding in your home, they should be washed in the washing machine if possible every day until the fleas are gone.

This may appear to a bit over the top reaction, but they are important precautions to instigate to eliminate fleas in these locations in your house, dog, and garden.

The use of flea collars are used by many dog owners, on the other hand it is crucial to know in order to work the dog has to wear it all the time.

Many top vets in the industry do not recommend them due to the toxic substances contained in the collars which could have an effect on your dog's skin condition and health in the long term

To keep your dog in good physical condition is a very in depth subject and I regret not be able to cover all there is to know in this short article.