Do You Need A Dog Obedience School For Your Dog?

Most of the dogs can learn fast to follow directions, perform tricks and work just like people. However they do not learn these things alone; they need patience, help and consistent guidance to be successful. Some people would want to get their pets into dog obedience school just to make them safe and good companion dogs. That makes dogs pretty occupied and helps them develop self confidence.

But how many great dogs are left without anything to do all day long, bored and lonely? They find solutions to boredom through chewing, digging, barking or just laying down sleeping all day. That is not healthy. Your dog needs to learn how to follow rules, like a good member of the family so that he can go to more places and do more productive things.

Why train your dog?

Dog obedience training builds a closer bond between you and your dog. The more training he gets from you; the more he gets to understand you and what you want from him. And if you work and play with your dog you will understand him better. Dogs can be trained to work specific jobs like guarding herd, finding rodents, hunting, and working with policemen and firemen.

Training a dog is always fun and interesting. Your dog learns to meet other dogs in public and make new friends. It's a good way to get your exercise while walking your dog. You can learn new tricks that make it fun to show around friends who will be happy to hang out with your well behaved and smart dog. Having a smart dog speaks of a responsible dog owner. How about that?

Who should train your dog?

There are dog obedience schools. There also many people who can train your dog. You can get a professional dog trainer to come to your house or let him take your dog for a couple of weeks. A family member can take the dog to a class at the park. There are training sessions at pet stores or animal's society organizations every weekend where you can learn methods of good dog training. You can also train your dog by yourself using books and online information.

Yes! You can absolutely train your dog! There are many simple things you can teach him such as good behavior and manners, fun tricks, and how to be on guard at home. In fact you can make him obey every word you say if you can give training where he can pay attention to you without distractions. If there is another dog at sight, he will not concentrate on you. If another person is calling his name, he will be confused on whom to listen to.

How often should the training go?

First, see to it that your dog is happy while training is going on. Hold it for short periods of time. The first key is to stop the training while he is still interested and not because he is already tired; that takes about 30 minutes for some dogs and shorter for others. You can repeat the lesson later. The second key is to work on training your dog only while you are feeling good. If you are tired and frustrated, it will not help him learn, believe it! Rather play with your dog.

A dog obedience school is always a great place but remember that the lessons there are for you to learn. It is a place for you to see experts in action and ask all the questions you want, and then teach your dog at home, through patient and consistent practice.