Golden Retriever Puppy Training

Golden Retriever puppy training was one of the main goals the breed was created. Lord Tweedmouth in Scotland wanted dogs that were easy to train to retrieve birds on his hunting expeditions. He specifically bred for the correct temperament and skills to this end. Because of this, Goldens are very suited for training and simple command training should be taught as soon as possible. Young puppies can be a little wild and mischievous but, once trained, are excellent at remembering commands and obeying. Ultimately, they want approval and love from people and will work very hard for it.

There are numerous methods of Golden Retriever puppy training. An owner can do it themselves or enroll their dog in an obedience school. Golden Retrievers can be trained to do many specialized jobs. Due to their keen sense of smell, they can be trained to seek out narcotics or other scent-based search and rescue. They are very adept at performing stunts, which is why you quite often see them on television and in films. The elderly, disabled, and blind can use goldens as care and assist dogs when they have been trained to do these necessary jobs. These are impressive skills, but a foundation must be laid first with basic training.

The main idea of basic training is to correctly set up boundaries that the dog understands as acceptable behaviour. During this time, owners should work to establish a rapport and bond between the dogs and themselves while establishing that it is not acceptable to chew the furniture, bark incessantly, or jump up on people. Some simple command words are "sit" or "come," "down," "heel," or "stay.