My Dog Has Aggressive Behaviour.

Dogs behave aggressively for many reasons. If you are not strongly the alpha pack leader then your dog will want to try and take on that position, or as a puppy something bad happened that is now triggering aggression. If there is a problem and your dog is aggressive you need to look carefully at what it is and correct it as quickly as possible. Any aggressive dog behavior should be stopped immediately, so as not to create dangerous situations for you or anyone else.

How early can Aggresssive Behavior Start? It can be as young as six weeks old. When socialising with other dogs and people it is important to teach your puppy not to bite people, but also that it is ok to "play" with dogs. The time of socialization for a dog is up to approximately 14 weeks but can extent further than that time.

The meaning of this is varied. 1. Don't take your new puppy away from the litter before eight weeks old. 2. Between 8 -10 weeks be very gentle with your puppy. Don't use harsh discipline. 3. Shouting and hitting can lead to aggressive behavior in dogs.

4. The best thing you can do for yourself and your dog is socialize them well with people and other dogs as much as possible during the first 14 weeks and the changes of having an aggressive dog will virtually be zero.

Triggers for aggression in dogs can be a number of things. Some dogs are breed for temperament, however this is not set in concrete. Neutered and Spayed dogs tend to be alot more docile.

The key to making sure your dog is not aggressive is the environment. A dog that lives in a happy home, has a gentle but firm master and is socialized will vary rearly ever be aggressive.

To stop aggression show your dog you are the pack leader. If your dog is showng aggressive behavior he may be testing the water for dominance. When you establish that you are top dog for him as a puppy it is important to continue with that theme through his adolescence, so you are always in control.

How to Stop and Control Aggressive Behavior in Dogs.

If your dog has been de-sexed and is showing agressive behavior after 14 months you should address it immediately. The first thing to look at is the pecking order. Are you top dog - the alpha pack leader? Only associate rewards with good behavior, never with aggression or aggression from scared behavior.

A well trained dog will make you proud and that comes from you being the pack leader and you showing a strong dominance when walking and feeding. Always be consistant around the home, if you let your dog take liberties he may be more aggressive to others given the chance.

If you do your job and train your dog well there is less likelihood of your dog being defensive or aggressive and reduces any chance of him striking out at a person as a result of fear. Your dog my need more socialization if that was the case. If your dog does show signs of aggression, until you can have them trained keep them away from anything they may see as a threat like small children.

Aggression in dogs can be controlled no matter what age the dog. It is a big problem that lots of owners have. If the aggression is becoming violent it might be time to call in a professional before something serious happens.