Uncover the Truth Today To Overfed Dogs

Are you over feeding your dog and shortening his life and taking away his energy? Discover the truth today to why many dogs are living shorter lives due to obesity.

The buzz words today on almost everybody's lips is weight loss or obesity, with more than 24% of Americans are reported to be overweight this is a growing concern for the health authorities, however we hear about this almost every day on the news but we very rarely hear about over weight in our dogs.

After much research I found that a minimum of 25% of dogs in the United Kingdom suffer from obesity, world wide probably more, and this is why experts say we have a growing health issues with our animals.

The question is what are the consequences for feeding our dogs too much food?

The number 1 reason you should not overfeed your dog is over weight dogs in many cases can suffer from fatal diseases, for example; diabetes, arthritis, heart problems, and what's more this takes away the dogs energy and does not help his peace of mind.

If you can take yourself back to why you decided to have a dog in the first place, then the reasons most people do is to spend quality time with him or her, out in the fresh air in the park or the country, and even days at the beach, plus the fact is he or she becomes your best friend.

When dogs are over fed this formulates inactivity in a dog, and in most cases leads to a very unhappy dog and poor health. We know very well this does not work in our existence so it makes sense it will fail to work in our dog's existence.

Another consideration is the cost, not only are we throwing away dollars buy buying too much food for our dogs but paying out loads of money in vet bills.

Folks today that are sensitive with regard to our health and weight, we watch what we eat very carefully and prepare nutritious meals for our selves and our families, in which case we should do the same for our dog's right?

Many dog owners are now realizing that it is a very important issue to what we feed our dogs, instead of just settling for what is on the supermarket shelves why not make your own dog food; there are many advantages to this you know it is not going to be full of skin, bones, carcases, sugar, and fat, which many commercial dog foods are full of which leads to obesity in dogs and poor health.

Furthermore commercial dog foods in many cases are made to taste good so that your dog will want more of it, and this leads to over eating, we count the calories for our own benefit so why not do this for our pets.

Let's consider the negative side, it is fact there is more time and dedication to preparing your own dog food, however the good points out weigh the bad by far. For a start the overweight problem would disappear, two the vet bills, three your dog will enjoy better health, and four you will get back to enjoying those walks in the park and the great times you had together before he or she became inactive and over weight.

At length you can be in charge of the food that your dog consumes, and this can only be a positive towards the best health for your dog.