Developing Your Pre-Shot Routine

Professional golfer all have their individualized golf routines: they perform exactly the same rituals every time they are on the golf course prior to their game. The main reason for developing pre-shot routine is to create the innate spontaneity that is essential for golf success.

Spontaneity means the capability to do something naturally without thinking as if it is second nature to you, such as breathing. Once you need to think about doing something, you are subconsciously sending signals to your subconscious mind, and these signals may cause undue stress even though your conscious mind tells you to relax. Spontaneity thus removes stress by carrying out an act without thinking or awareness. This is what a pre-shot routine can do to your golf success.

Develop your pre-shot routine so that you know exactly what to do every time you are on the golf course. it becomes a no-brainer to you.

1. Evaluate the correct yardage, the environment, such as the wind, the temperature, and the type of lie you have found yourself in.

2. Determine the type of shot you are going to play, the selection of your golf club, which will be contingent on playing a hook or a slice. After you have mentally decided on your choice of club, start from behind the golf ball and see the type of shot you are going to hit. Always be prepared to visualize how you are going to hit the ball and the outcome of your shot.

3. As you stand behind the ball, you may become tense and even nervous. Take a deep breath and meditate for a minute or two. Many people have the misconception that meditation is about closing the eyes and stopping the flow of thoughts; meditation in golf is about concentrating on the present moment to the exclusion of everything else around you. You can meditate when you drive, walk, or just about doing anything. Meditation in golf is concentrating on doing what you are doing at that present moment. You can focus your concentration on the grip of your hands on the club without thinking of how you are going to hit the golf ball. This is where spontaneity comes into play: your body simply reacts and responds naturally. Meditation in golf enhances your golf spontaneity.

4. If you feel the need to reduce your body tension by some external actions, such as touching your cap, rotating your neck, do them by all means.

Developing a pre-shot routine not only trains you to become more spontaneous, but also provides you with a comfort zone that immunes you for an instance from the surrounding environment. A pre-shot routine gives you mind a meaningful break from the tension around you. A pre-shot routine is a must for golf success.

Copyright (c) 2010 Stephen Lau