Prophetic: Why It's Not Recognized In Many Churches Today
Prophetic ~ There are three kinds of sight:
(1) Eyesight
(2) Insight
(3) Foresight
We all know that "eyesight" is the sight one sees with the physical eyes.
"Insight" is the sight inside your head.
"Foresight" is to see ahead in time ~ often referred to as "prophetic" site. It is a wonderful, powerful and reolutionary ability to be able to get a glimpse of yourself in the future. If you catch a glimpse of what you look like in the future, one can almost not help but praise and worship our Creator, the Living God for the things yet to occur.
In order for one to have "foresight" it necessitates you and God moving together in time. The word Synchronize means "together in time," and that is what God wants your journey to be, synchronized with His timeline. Many people do not know or understand that every human being is a unique copy of an ancient manuscript. Nost people don't want to think of themselves as a copy, but the word "unique" will refresh that feeling. The word "unique" means "worthy of being considered in a class by itself."
God wants to give His creative beings prosperity like never before. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants, and as your soul prospers, you will prosper also. In the early 1900's, the church cut out "insight," "foresight," the prophetic. They decided that they wanted nothing to do with it because it challenged their set of rules and dogma. When this happened, there was an emergence of psychics, because the prophetic exists, and was thrown away by the church, to be taken by the world and used for selfish purposes.
With Y'Shua (Jesus) comes the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega. Why do we ignore the omega? Why do we ignore the end? Why do we ignore the last? Because we are comfortable with what has happened, but we are not comfortable with what's going to happen. But something good is going to happen. No matter what anyone says, "this" author believes it!
Holy Writ states something that should not be ignored in 2 Kings 2:14-16, Verse 14: And Elisha said, "As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you. Verse 15: But now bring me a musician." Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him. Verse 16 And he said, "Thus says the LORD: