2 articles on "prophetic"

A Little Bit Discussion On Prophecy

The prophetic gift existed long before the prophetic office was instituted. Thus Enoch had the former (Jude 14); so Abraham is called a prophet (Ge 20:7) as are also the patriarchs (Ps 105:15). The office was first instituted under the Mosaic economy...

Religion  religion dispensation prophetic gift prophets mosaic office
Prophetic: Why It's Not Recognized In Many Churches Today

Prophetic ~ There are three kinds of sight: (1) Eyesight (2) Insight (3) Foresight We all know that "eyesight" is the sight one sees with the physical eyes. "Insight" is the sight inside your head. "Foresight" is to see ahead in time ~ often refe...

Religion  religion prophetic unique happened ignore