Simple Stress Relief Meditation

A number of folks these days are affected by anxiety and stress. With so much stimulation bombarding us on a daily basis...on the job, in our homes, on television, in the media, in the news, all the noise, cell phones, the information's no shock that our body and mind max out and respond with feelings of tension.

Annoying situations can also cause anxiety and stress to build. Work and goal deadlines are a common source of stress. Guilt. Feelings of demanding responsibility. Turmoil at home, in family relationships, and at work can cause anxiety. Fear is another major cause of stress and anxiety.

Emotional stress is processed in different ways, based upon your personality. If not managed carefully, the building of stress may lead to any number of physical and emotional health issues. Some of these consist of raised hypertension levels, insomnia, uncomfortable dreams, skin problems, ulcers, worry, depression, impatience, moodiness, and headaches.

There are many extremely effective ways to decrease the stress in your life. Before you're able to do that, you must be able to figure out exactly what it is that's causing the stress.

Once you learn what that is, take the time and think about just exactly what's stressing you out. Think about worrying about what's stressing you changing a single thing? Does it serve you in the slightest? Do the feelings of stress and anxiety help you get the results you're looking for? The answer is an absolute "no." No degree of worry or stress is going to alter ANY situation.

So what can you do to shed those adverse feelings?

A very effective way to alleviate stress and tension is to meditate. Meditation is among the most outstanding relaxation techniques for anxiety. Meditation helps you to get calm. It really forces you to be still. Meditation helps you to realign your 'inner game' so you may get back on course and vanquish the negativity.

How can meditation achieve this? Thru your breath. Plain and simple. As soon as you find yourself in a state of mind or predicament where you're stressing out, purposely cease what you're doing. Immediately. Observe what's happening. Ask these questions :, "Precisely why do I feel this way? What's really causing these feelings?" Identify it, right then and there, in the moment, as it's happening.

It's very crucial that you do this. Don't procrastinate or make excuses to put it off and think about it later. You'll only hold the negative thoughts in your body as well as within your psyche, emotionally. It is critical to let it go.

Find a spot to sit. Shut your eyes. Now, draw in a long, slow, deep breath.

Hold. Then slowly let out your breath, blowing out the breath fully. Do it again. Take in another long, deep breath. Hold it. Exhale.

By doing this very simple meditation technique for anxiety, you can promptly minimize a whole lot of stress in your life. Once you get in the practice of catching yourself the very moment you're feeling anxious, nervous, weighed down, or in a tense situation, use this get calm and happy.