The Power of Listening - Level Two

Level two listening is about focused listening. This is often where people's posture is leaning forward, looking intently at the other person. There is not a lot of attention on the outside world. Your awareness is totally on the other person. You are listening for their words, their expression, their emotion, tone, pacing and everything they bring to the conversation. This level of listening is where your mind chatters and your own life completely fades away. Giving this level of attention to someone else is very rewarding, as it creates a high level of intimacy. The other person really feels heard, seen and valued. Plus, who knows what you may learn from listening to them. This is often how Divine guidance works you ask for something and it comes through another person. You get your perfect answers or resources handed to you. When I started practicing this level of listening, my life got better in many ways. My intuition increased, my level of intimacy went way up and I noticed my life was working a lot better because I was really giving to others and not focusing so much on my own life.

Our minds can only focus on one thought at a time so this means I could not focus on my problems or things that were not working. As a side benefit, the less attention I placed on them, the worry energy faded and things resolved themselves in wonderful ways.


1. Practice during the week noticing if you are listening at level one or two?

2. Take the time to listen to others at a level two and also notice any coincidences.

3. When you listen to others, hold them as creative, resourceful and whole, knowing they have their perfect answers.