How to Make Your Site Sell

Remember, your website can only communicate to your
readers in two ways. The first is the colors you use, while
the second is your copy (your writing). Even if you use
audio/video on your site, you still need to write the copy.
So let's add some punch to your site and skyrocket your sales!

In Sales 101, we learned that people buy benefits, not features.
If you're a little rusty on the difference between feature and
benefits, here is a quick refresher course.

A feature describes a product. Like…

An internet marketing and promotion book
This gives you an idea of what the product is, but remember,
people don't buy features. People only buy benefits.

A benefit tells what the product does. Like…

An internet promotion and marketing book. Learn how to
increase your traffic and profits.

That is our first example of combining the features and
benefits of the product. The next step is to really make your
copy sizzle, and make your sales zoom through the roof. But
before we do that, you should adhere to a main rule - never
oversell your product. What I mean is never make a statement
that says your product will do something, when it doesn't do it.
For example, if your site sells computers with only enough
capacity to run children's game, don't say your computers can
run NASA. People are just starting to purchase merchandise in
mass numbers via the internet. You and I, people who derive
an income from the internet, shouldn't destroy this trust.

Let's make your copy sizzle. The best way to do this is to tie a
feature and benefit to a need. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs is a great place to start. Mr. Maslow stated the everyone
has five needs. In order, from bottom to top of his hierarchy,
these needs are Physiological (survival), Safety and Security,
Social, Esteem and Status, and Self-Actualization.

Here is a brief list of words and phases for each category. Use

this information as your guide when designing needs-based copy:

Physiological (survival): breath easier, sleep well at night, live easy
Safety and Security: avoid risk, worry-free, secure
Social: popular, love, friendship
Esteem and Status: respect, your own boss
Self-Actualization: live your dreams, wisdom
In addition to using Maslow's hierarchy, you should include
descriptive and action-orientated words. Here is a brief list for
you to use:

Let's utilize all we have learned in this report and combine a
feature, a benefit, a need, and action words to sell our product
via the internet. In the new and improved version, I have added
the following words:

explode (action word)
profits (security and safety)
automatically (action word)
step-by-step (safety and security)
teach you the secrets (action phrase)
by the best internet marketers
(esteem and status/self-actualization)
income (security and safety)
money-back guarantee (action phrase/safety and security)
order today (action phrase)
free (action word) bonus
Here is the new and improved version:
Learn how to explode your traffic and profits automatically.
This step-by-step internet marketing and promotion book will
teach you the secrets used by the best internet marketers. I'm
so confident your traffic and income will increase, I offer a full
one-year, money-back guarantee, if you are not happy for any
reason. Order today and receive a free bonus.

See the difference between the plain, feature-only sales script
and the updated version? Which one would make you click the
"Order Now" button on your computer? (I hope you said the
new and improved version.)

Now, take a look at your site and sales pages. Sit down with a
pencil and a piece of paper and carefully review each page.
Write down actions words, and use Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs, and rewrite your site incorporating what you learned today.
If you follow the strategies laid out here, your sales will increase
without the need for any increase in traffic. Guaranteed!

About the Author

Andrew T. LaPointe is President and CEO of
Your Online He is also the author of the
Internet course Your Online - A step-by-step
Guide to Building an Online Fortune. His site offers $9.95 web hosting.