Translation Correction by Modifying Mistakes in Source Text

When a client assigns a translation job to a vender, has he/she realized the mistaken script or words underlying in original file to be translated? Should the assigned translator just translate loyally to the original script or words or converse the errors to correct ones according to 3 ways which the author suggests?

While we talk about the translation quality, recognition of errors in original presents great importance for a quality translation work. Ass we know, the translators are supposed to be the discerning readers who pursue refinement more than literacy. So when we take the recognition of original mistakes as an important factor for perfect performance. The assigned translator should emphasize on the interrelationship and coherence of the source language text and never draws an imprudent conclusion without any supporting proof. However, simple mistakes such as typing error, the slip of the pen and some factual mistakes could also be detected by an experienced translator. Actually, it is not rare to make such mistakes in the source materials unless the translator regards himself a first-hand information extractor instead of a literal translation operator. Also, the lack of the comprehension about the background, culture can make his translation no sense. In addition, sentence structure or arrangement is sometimes involved in careless original writing materials. The following examples might cast a light on common mistakes.

A sentence quoted from a report that related to ethnic investigation: