950 articles on "about"

Discuss Your Accomplishments During the Interview

Discuss Your Accomplishments During the Interview by: Michelle Roebuck When preparing for your interview, you need to be ready to discuss your accomplishments. Surprisingly, many people are reluctant to talk about their accomplishments. But this...

Business And Finance  business finance company interviewer accomplishments interview about
A Day In The Life Of A Cancer Information Specialist

y In The Life Of A Cancer Information Specialist by: News Canada (NC)-The lines can crackle from hundreds of miles away, but it's the telephone that has brought nurse Donna Kennedy closer to those she wants to help. Kennedy is one of the ca...

Health  health cancer kennedy says service itaposs about
The Online Businessperson Butterfly - Part 1

The Online Businessperson Butterfly - Part 1 by: Michael DixonThe Internet is LOADED with opportunity for those who want to start their own online business today! The only thing that seems hard to find is where to start. Too many beginners start...

Online Business  online business birding butterfly binoculars about
Holistic Junction's Featured School of the Week Clinic @ Nature's Atrium

This week, Holistic Junction is featuring the Clinic @ Nature's Atrium. Established in 1999, the Cinic @ Nature's Atrium is situated just Northwest of Grand Rapids Museums, Arenas and Botanical Gardens in secluded Howard City, Michigan. Acc...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation natureaposs clinic atrium promoters enroll about
Healthy Snacks & Fun Activities For Your Kids Health & Education

Healthy Snacks & Fun Activities For Your Kids Health & Education by: Marisa Robinson Kids today need Healthy Foods and Snacks more than ever. Poor diet, junk foods, lack of physical and mental activity, cause lazy , over weight children with poo...

Family  family hands children balloon balloons about
Spelt, grain of the past, grain of the future.

Spelt, grain of the past, grain of the future.My scriptures had told me that wheat was created for the use of human kind. When I studied nutrition I had to start to question this belief, so many people have bad reactions to wheat. If God said wheat w...

Health  health spelt wheat grain flour about
Who Had The Better Brushes Leonardo or Michelangelo?

Who Had The Better Brushes Leonardo or Michelangelo? by: Robert Hartness Ordinary photos of dull subjects do actually sell, but the dramatic shots generally have an unusual element that makes them stand out from the crowd. They are well-composed...

Computers And Internet  computers internet digital film cameras shots about
Nikki and Benny, My 2 Therapy Dogs.

Nikki and Benny Short IntroMy two therapy dogs, Nikki and Benny, bring joy to our friends. Here is short report of our visit. First, let me tell you just a little bit about my two dogs, a short little Bio on each. There are pictures on my dog therapy...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs nikki friends about
Best Recipes: Classic Vanilla Milkshake

Best Recipes: Classic Vanilla Milkshake by: Donna Monday Sometimes plain vanilla is best. A lot of people will skip over the plain vanilla ice cream or the plain vanilla milkshake in favor of the fancier versions because vanilla just seems so, w...

Food And Drink  food drink vanilla plain milkshake cream sweet about
Movie Review The Downfall - The Final Hours of Hitler

Have you watched the latest Hitler movie, "The Downfall?" It's a german film (german title is "Der Untergang") about the final hours of Adolf Hitler in the bunker as recounted by the Fuhrer's secretary. I'd say this film is a masterpi...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure hitler film movie secretary people itaposs about