3 articles on "acronyms"

What's 200 Words Have To Do With Your Computer

When I worked on Wall Street, I considered amove from one type of bond department to a new type ofdepartment. Even though I had been successful in theindustry for 7 years, I was still afraid I that I wouldn'tknow how to be successful in my new d...

Computers And Internet  computers internet words learn acronyms department about
Great Technical Writing: The Two-Edged Sword of Reader Experience

Overview When we write User Documents we rely on our Reader's/User's experience to simplify our work. This can cause problems for the Reader. This article will discuss the effects of Reader experience and how to minimize the negative effec...

Writing  writing user experience reader example document acronyms
Great Technical Writing: The Two-edged Sword Of Reader Experience

Overview When we write User Documents we rely on our Reader's/User's experience to simplify our work. This can cause problems for the Reader. This article will discuss the effects of Reader experience and how to minimize the negative effec...

Writing  writing user experience reader example document acronyms