561 articles on "advertising"

To Open or Not to Open a Major Franchise Business

If you are tired of working for someone else and exploring opening and running your own small business, you are probably confused about the multitudes of available business possibilities. To make matters worse, authoritative voices differ in their op...

Business And Finance  business finance franchise advertising daddy
10 Keys to Designing A Personal Lifelong Learning Process

GENERAL OVERVIEWBusiness StrengthsOur extensive knowledge of the adventure travel industry isour greatest strength, in addition to our positioning in theregion.Business WeaknessesThe greatest weakness our business faces is our ability tohandle new co...

Marketing  marketing customers year profit advertising goals

© Copyright 1988/2003 Thom Reece All Rights ReservedA well-planned and properly executed marketing program should include a sufficient commitment of capital resources to an ongoing, well executed advertising program. Yes, this includes your busi...

Marketing  marketing advertising customer benefits
Getting Traffic to Your Website Is A Numbers Game

How many visitors come to your website every day? Chances are not enough! Getting traffic to your website is something you must constantly work at hand is a numbers game to a certain extent. Ultimately the people who get the most traffic are the one...

Site Promotion  site promotion advertising traffic search articles article paid
Becoming an Advertising Director for an Advertising Firm

Are you a creative person? There are different kinds of jobs available these days. People usually choose their field according to their interest in a particular field. You must always make sure that you choose your field out of interest and not out o...

Marketing  marketing advertising director must
Search Engine Metrics… Organic Search vs. Paid Placement

Search Engine Metrics… Organic Search vs. Paid Placement  by: Lawrence Deon Let me preface this report by citing advertisers in 2004 have spent 4 Billion dollars on search engine marketing according to (SEMPO) the Search Engine Marketing Profe...

Site Promotion  site promotion search engine advertising paid online
Reach Your Web Site Goals By Attracting the Right Visitors (Part 2 of 2)

Reach Your Web Site Goals By Attracting the Right Visitors (Part 2 of 2) by: Bobette Kyle An important question to answer when creating or revising a Web site is "What are the goals of this site?" because the answer will drive your site design a...

Site Promotion  site promotion visitors sites decision advertising
What's The Difference Between Marketing And Advertising

Many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. While both components are equally important, they are also very different. Knowing the differences between the two can put your company on the fast track to success. Let's start off ...

Marketing  marketing advertising business process chart
5 Powerful Keys To online Advertising Success

5 Powerful Keys To online Advertising SuccessCopyright [C] 2002 Shahnaz Rauf, snzeport.com 1. Develop Trust – Think about it... you don’t justbuy, you buy from specific shops. If some daysthose shops... Your shops are closed for somereason, you w...

Marketing  marketing advertising term power
Are Banner Ads Worth It The statistics tell the tale.

Most people on the Internet today simply ignore banner ads and move on to other things. Why so much skepticism in the media about Banner Ads? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but Web Banner Ads are a proven thing. If you don’t believe me, check o...

Online Business  online business banner advertising