1,679 articles on "article"

Acupuncture Schools: A Comparison of Acupuncture Schools in North America

For thousands of years, there were no schools of Chinese Medicine as we know them today. To understand the development of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as it is taught today in the west requires a brief look at Chinese history.Well over 2000 years...

College Articles  college articles medicine chinese acupuncture schools healing based curriculum
Titanium Dioxide: Toxic or Safe?

Titanium dioxide is a white, powdery substance widely used as a pigment in household items such as toothpaste, sunscreen, paints, and food products. It is also found in pharmaceutical formulations and cosmetic products. The use of titanium dioxide ha...

Health  health titanium dioxide particles mineral cosmetics
What is the Cost of College Tuition?

What is the average cost of college tuition? This is one question that most parents and future students ask themselves and need to know in order to plan for a college education.The national average college tuition rate for public universities is $4,6...

College Articles  college articles tuition year students rates colleges average increase
Promote your Business and Products through Submitting Articles to Top Web Sites

ote your Business and Products through Submitting Articles to Top Web Sites  by: Judy Cullins Articles submitted to Online publishers bring your site new visitors and increase your ezine subscribers. You can also get these benefits by submitting...

Business And Finance  business finance articles sites search submit will
Government Research Procurement Fails to Bring Efficient Bidders

Many have complained of the Government’s procurement process for research proposals. It is totally flawed. Instead of giving bids to entrepreneurs who know how to get things done on the fly, they so often give the grants to the best paperwork pushe...

College Articles  college articles project proposalout projects
Ionic Air Purifier - Imitating the Natural Purifying Process

The modern housing trend has enormously denied you the ecstasy of inhaling purely fresh air. You feel energetic and truly alive in a clean environment. If you ever had the chance of thriving near or around mountains, rivers lakes and trees, you would...

Health  health purifier ionic ions particles purifiers
Tips for Attending Art School

Here are some tips that will help you survive and thrive during your art school adventure.Make the most of your education Attend every art class, and be on time. Keep your nose to the grindstone and do the best work you can do. Don't wait till ...

College Articles  college articles school work textbooks donapost
Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business

Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business?Judy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights Reserved.Reach 10,000 to 500,000 targeted buyers every day Online.That's the best reason I know. Get exposure for contacts,customers or clients. The second best reason...

Marketing  marketing articles ezine site
Five How to be a Better Speaker Articles

Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print free of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address(http://www.schrift.com) in hyperlink for oth...

Business And Finance  business finance article speech autoresponder time schriftcom five
Principalship: Leading Change in Schools

The L.E.A.D.E.R. WayINTRODUCTIONIn June 1997,the Prime Minister of Singapore unveiled the Government’s vision of ‘Thinking Schools, Learning Nation’ (TSLN). This vision was forged to improve Singapore’s education system in the light of the ra...

College Articles  college articles principal change programme teachers vision school