1,679 articles on "article"

The Oxford Student - Official Student Newspaper

The Oxford Student is the official student newspaper of the University of Oxford and is one of the oldest student newspapers in the UK. It has been published since 1914 and is run entirely by students. The Oxford Student covers a range of topics, fr...

College Articles  college articles contest countries years
What Makes a Translator

The “prison of language is only temporary…someday a merciful guard – the perfect translator – will come along with his keys and let us out,” Wendy Lesser wrote in an article, “The Mysteries of Translation,” in the Chronicle of Higher Ed...

Writing  writing language translator prison article translated
Titanium Dioxide Toxic or Safe

Titanium dioxide is the subject of new controversy, yet it is a substance as old as the earth itself. It is one of the top fifty chemicals produced worldwide. It is a white, opaque and naturally- occurring mineral found in two main forms: rutile and ...

Health  health titanium dioxide particles mineral lung
Hidden College Costs: Roommate Conflict

Parents, if you’re already reeling from the costs of today’s college education, take a deep breath. According to one expert, if your kids lack conflict resolution skills, it could end up costing you even more.“Students who can’t handle confli...

College Articles  college articles kids roommate students they
Is an MBA Worth it?

What is an MBA worth? It depends. There is no one correct answer that applies to everyone. Career goals, personal circumstances, and occupational requirements are some of the major factors to consider.Think of getting an MBA as an investment and weig...

College Articles  college articles investment career getting especially potential skills
Augmented Reality and Holographic Projection in Colleges

In recent years, technological advancements in the fields of augmented reality (AR) and holographic projection have led to the development of cutting-edge educational tools. As colleges and universities increasingly adopt innovative teaching methods ...

College Articles  college articles professors students integrity holographic think
Acupuncture Schools: A Comparison of Acupuncture Schools in North America

Acupuncture has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural and alternative form of medicine. As a result, acupuncture schools in North America have grown in number and diversity. However, with so many options, choosing the right acupunc...

College Articles  college articles medicine chinese acupuncture schools healing based curriculum
Back to School; Time to Recharge

Back to School; Time to Recharge by: Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes The back-to-school shopping is done. Brand new pencils, colored markers, and notebooks fill my daughter’s back pack. I’ve cleaned off the refrigerator in prep...

Family  family tablespoons school article work time
Creating the Acceptable College Applicant

America’s colleges and universities no longer have enough room to accommodate all the qualified students who apply. As a result, schools are forced to reject far more applicants than they accept. The goal of admissions committees is to weed out the...

College Articles  college articles students student admissions
Fighting Senioriris

Attention all seniors! Welcome back from a summer that I hope you found to be both relaxing and enriching. I trust that in addition to soaking up the sun and seeing another part of the world, whether it be a foreign country or the inner working...

College Articles  college articles year senior duke student