124 articles on "blogs"

Creating A Blog To Promote An Existing Business

Creating A Blog To Promote An Existing Business by: Mal Keenan If you belong to any of the following groups, then this article is for you. You already have a business and a website that serves as the official hub for your online sales. The we...

Online Business  online business blog traffic blogs
Blogs You'll love the marketing potential

By Jim Fisher, President of IdeaStar Inc.The Internet revolution is responsible for two of the dumbest names in business. The first is the "Web." Try telling your grandmother what you do for a living with that name. The next is the "blog." Most peopl...

Marketing  marketing blog blogs ideastar business from
Will Spam-Blogging Be The Death Of Blogging

Technorati reports that 30,000 - 40,000 new blogs are being created each day. According to David Sifry, part of the growth of new blogs created each day is due to an increase in spam blogs. What are spam blogs? They are fake blogs that are created by...

Web Development  development blogs spam blog search blogging they
The Real Bloggers Must Come From Another Planet. I Can’t Find Any Here On Earth

The Real Bloggers Must Come From Another Planet. I Can’t Find Any Here On Earth by: M6.net What in the world is up with the world of blogs? Blogs are meant to be this great new technology where people can share their ideas and interests with o...

Computers And Internet  computers internet blogs people blog like
Promoting Your Business Using Blogs

Promoting Your Business Using Blogs by: Mal Keenan Internet marketing using blogs has quickly gained a lot of popularity as a wonderful way to promote your business. There are many ways that blogging can help in the promotion of your business. ...

Online Business  online business blog customers blogs
7 Tips for Successful Blogging

So, you have a blog! Do you have traffic? Do you know how to build traffic to your weblog? There are seven proven methods for building readership of your blog. They start with defining the purpose, or life, of your blog. Then, after you have a blog w...

Business And Finance  business finance blog traffic post blogs content
Link Spamming Techniques

Link building is one of the most important strategies used in SEO or search engine optimization. According to many experts, as well as the many SEO Philippines consultants, link building is considered as the one of the first strategies used in early ...

Site Promotion  site promotion link search spam websites blogs
How to Convert Your Nice Designs to Wordpress

If you already spent ample time on the net, you have probably heard about WordPress before. It is an easy to use blog platform that also seconds as a fully competent content management system all over the internet world. More and more people each da...

Web Development  development wordpress theme designs files blogs people
Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea..

Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea.. by: Michelle Utter Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform yourself on the ne...

Site Promotion  site promotion blogs blog advertising people
Business Blogs And Their Benefits

Business Blogs And Their Benefits by: Amitabh shukla Blog is a medium for self-expression on web. Blogs are in the form of few paragraph entries. Blogs are created by both individual and companies which are in the form of personal and commercial...

Site Promotion  site promotion blogs helps form blog companies