81 articles on "brows"

What is Spyware?

The most frustrating part of having Spyware on your computer is the sheer feeling of helplessness that is invoked. Your computer slows down, it no longer does what you instructed it to, it seems to have a mind of its own. You effectively have lost co...

Business And Finance  business finance computer software spyware browser system
Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP

Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP by: John L Installment 1 Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP When a user is browsing through a website and is surfing from one web page to another, sometimes the website needs to remember...

Web Development  development session cookie user cookies browser server
Cookies aren't just for eating anymore

Confused about cookies? Not the chocolate chip variety; the computer-related kind. Here is some information that'll help you understand what cookies do, why they do it, and how to control them.First, a definition. Cookies are tiny text files whi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cookies browser server
Opera, Mozilla Ready for Prime Time

© 2004, John Calderhttp://www.TheEzine.netEarly Internet surfers, which of course means something less than a decade ago for most of us, will remember the days when Netscape was the only real browser in town. For those who don't remember, t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet browser mozilla opera client email
Bursting the Bubble of Pop-up Ads with Pop Up Blocker

We are all use to seeing billboards and advertisements in public places – on the bus, in the mall, on the pages of newspapers and magazines, even on television and in movies. Banner advertisements (rectangular graphics located at the top or bottom ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet browser user
3 Things You Must Know About Spyware

1)Spyware is on your system. Like it or not, statistically speaking, you probably have spyware on your machine right now. There are so many malicious programs floating around out there that one or two have bound to have gotten past all of your secur...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spyware machine browser
Is Someone Stealing Your Source Code

Is Someone Stealing Your Source Code?by Michael SouthonThat's a question that worries many people on the Internet.And some people go to great lengths to hide their sourcecode.There are several reasons you might want to conceal thesource code of ...

Web Development  development source code browser here
What is a security certificate

I'll bet one time or another you've surfed the web and suddenly found a pop-up window in front of you, demanding your approval for a security certificate. I occasionally see these on shopping sites, usually the smaller, less-well-funded com...

Computers And Internet  computers internet certificate security verisign browser
Will Microsoft Lose The Browser Wars?

Will Microsoft Lose The Browser Wars? by: Jim Edwards Until recently, software giant, Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser enjoyed a relatively unchallenged position as the most popular Web browser in the world. Despite lawsuits and ch...

Computers And Internet  computers internet browser software alternative google
Color Catch

Colors are oftentimes used in different ways. Just like in interpreting things and having stuffs that would generate meaning and understanding among people. So, in designs colors are given importance for it may create an impression and would communic...

Web Development  development colors color browser will