63 articles on "brush"

How Can the Laser Brush Help Achieve New Hair Growth?

A new generation of laser brush is sweeping the market. It is a major advancement in the use of low level lasers to enhance and rejuvenate hair. Unlike older model stationery or hand-held laser devices that are plugged in, the new laser brush uses t...

Women  women hair laser brush treatment time cost growth
How do I clean my cosmetic brushes

Brushes are often overlooked. We use them then simply throw them back in our make-up case not caring much for the condition we leave them. This is usually the reason why the brushes we buy do not last as long as we hoped for. Armando's Brushes l...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation brushes brush when
Great Tips for Choosing a Laser Brush

I don't know what else to say except that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll grab a cup of coffee, then my laser brush. Beautiful, thicker, shinier hair and a more confident ME will be the end result of using this new technology. The ne...

Women  women laser light brush level therapy hair