18,592 articles on "busine"

11 Moments of Truth

11 Moments of Truth by: Sandra SchriftThese moments come when a customer or client… 1. Hears someone else praise you or your work. 2. Likes your physical presentation (appearance, voice, and smile). 3. Is touched intellectually and emotionally...

Business And Finance  business finance hisher sandra publish heshe hears
Bankruptcy Basics

Bankruptcy Basics by: James H. Dimmitt According to the American Bankruptcy Institute “household debt is at a record high relative to disposable income.” The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts reported that the number of filings for th...

Business And Finance  business finance bankruptcy chapter property debts court
An Evaluation of the Devaluation

valuation of the Devaluation by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. A Minister of Finance is morally right to lie about a forthcoming devaluation and a woman has the right to lie about her age. This is the common wisdom. Rumours about a devaluation of the Maced...

Business And Finance  business finance devaluation exchange economic
What could Macedonia Learn from a Tiger? The Asian Tigers and the Phenomenon of Uninterrupted Economic Growth

could Macedonia Learn from a Tiger? The Asian Tigers and the Phenomenon of Uninterrupted Economic Growth by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. The first reaction of economies in transition is a sharp decline in their production, mainly in industrial production....

Business And Finance  business finance countries industrial years capital economic markets
Ten Simple Tips To Create A Money Magnet Web Site!

Ten Simple Tips To Create A Money Magnet Web Site! by: Valerie Millls Staying awake at night wondering how to pump up your sagging Internet sales? After all, your reports say you’re driving the right audience to your site. AND your sales pitch...

Online Business  online business visitors give popup contact
Business Waiting For You

Introducing an Amazing System That Drives Massive Clickbank® Affiliate Income To your Account. It Doesn't Matter If You're An Inexperienced or Experienced Clickbank® Affiliate But This System Is GUARANTEED To Factor Your Clickbank R...

Online Business  online business clickbankreg system affiliate introducing inexperienced referral clickbank
What Should You Know About Search Engines and Pay-Per-Click?

What Should You Know About Search Engines and Pay-Per-Click? by: Chet Childers Here’s a fact for you, 85 to 95% of Websites are found through a search engine. You may have the most incredible Website on the Internet, but it will receive little...

Online Business  online business search engine standard keyword rankings
How to Become A Top Internet Marketer

How to Become A Top Internet Marketer by: Willie Crawford A recent thread at The Internet Marketing Warriors member-only discussion forum examined what it is that separates the big Internet marketing successes from the "also rans." There was no ...

Online Business  online business internet yanik copywriters copy
Wayne Rogers From Actor To Super Investor

Wayne Rogers: From Actor To Super InvestorBy Bill KnellIt took a tragedy not far removed from Wayne Rogers to wake him up when it came to money and how to handle it. According to an interview he gave to the Financial Intelligence Report, Wayne had fi...

Business And Finance  business finance rogers money wayne investing financial when
Delegate, Don't Abdicate

One of the key skills for the leaders of growing businesses is to 'get' the distinction between delegation and abdication.Many managers and business leaders fall into one of two extreme categories:They delegate too little and try to do it a...

Business And Finance  business finance entrepreneurs managers simply delegate