18,592 articles on "busine"

Cobra Solution To Be Launched At Benefits Management Forum & Expo

Omaha, NE August 1, 2004 – COCO Development, LLC is set to launch its newest HR compliance solution, COBRApoint, a web-powered COBRA, HIPAA, State Continuation and Retiree Billing system, at the 17th Annual Benefits Management Forum & Expo in Nash...

Business And Finance  business finance cobra compliance state billing hipaa continuation retiree solutions
Gullible's Travels

Gullible's Travels by: Jim Murdoch A journey by a web-footed gull through a sea of sharks. Definitions: Gull - a dupe, a fool; vulnerable to deceive; to trick; to defraud. Shark - voracious marine fish; swindler; rapacious fellow; an expert...

Online Business  online business fish waters sharks
Selling Foreign Language Domain Names.

Selling Foreign Language Domain Names. Making Money With Domain Names! This is not new but is a somewhat unspoken practice that is making a few "some bodies" a lot of Money.In Each Country they may have set rules for buying the countries registered d...

Business And Finance  business finance domain names company language registered some
Submit your site here!

Submit your webstie to these major search engines and have it submitted within the next 48 hours. Search engine submission increses your traffic to your website by a factor of two. It is argued that for the more sophisticated popular and more success...

Business And Finance  business finance search engine submission engines
D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-c

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-cBy: Janet L. HallS stands for SaveSaving incoming and outgoing email documents might be important to you because:·You have verification that it was received or sent·You need to keep track of correspondence·The info...

Business And Finance  business finance save email folder attachments

If Chicken Little lived today, no doubt he would be running through the streets screaming, “the economy is falling.” The sudden and unexpected rise in unemployment has populated applicant pools with eager, and in many cases, desperate applicants,...

Business And Finance  business finance applicants employment employersout willing checks
Should You Make A Career Decision Based Upon A Career Quiz

Q. I'm about to graduate High School and I don't know what I want to be "when I grow up". Do you think that a career quiz might help me decide?A. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! But maybe not for the reasons that you think. You see, as the ...

Business And Finance  business finance career quiz vertical thinking
The Lottery of Wealth

Most people believe that wealth is a lottery, that cards were shuffled and then randomly dealt and some received an Ace, whilst others received a Two or a Three and some get the Joker.They further believe that this is just luck - like the lottery, an...

Business And Finance  business finance wealth choices products
Who Has the Power to Control Business and Society?

By extending Webers social theory, Stone captures the essence of the traditional elitist-pluralist debate within what he calls a "social-control" paradigm. Within this paradigm, power is viewed as a matter of dominance, where the function of politics...

Online Business  online business control stone social society elite compliance
Close More Sales with a Direct Approach

Pretty much anyone you ask rolls their eyes when talking about salespeople. "Windbag", "Schmoozer" and "Full of hot air" are the phrases that come to mind - well, those are the nice phrases.Salespeople have bad reputations. Many times this reputation...

Marketing  marketing solutions constraints deliver business