18,591 articles on "business"

Money Laundering in A Changed World - Part II

Money Laundering in the Wake of the September 11 AttacksRegulationThe least important trend is the tightening of financial regulations and the establishment or enhancement of compulsory (as opposed to industry or voluntary) regulatory and enforcement...

Business And Finance  business finance money laundering financial banking cash

Copywriting is, simply put, the study of the human ego. And, believe it or not, there's more to writing a sales letter than word choice, readability, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, guarantees, and even those overly exaggerated testimonia...

Business And Finance  business finance arguments visualizers copywriting types
Floral Design and Floristry as a Career

Being a florist can be a very exciting and challenging career. Many people of all ages, from other working backgrounds are being retrained and entering the floristry industry. If you are considering a career in floristry, you should enjoy working wi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation florist floristry shop business flowers
What Is The Key To Slashing Your Taxes

One very foggy night the captain of a large ship saw whatappeared to be another ship's lights approaching in thedistance.The two were on a course that would mean a certain head-oncollision.So quickly the captain signaled to the approaching vesse...

Business And Finance  business finance iaposm course change captain reduction year
The Truth about Colossus Are You Just A Magnetic Image

The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image?What is Colossus?Colossus is software licensed to about twenty-five insurance companies to aid in predicting the settlement value of claims. The insurance industry maintains it is a useful tool ...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance colossus companies value claim
Why just double your money

Our Program Benefactors You in the Hottest Programs On The Net. We also buy your positions to many other outstanding income producing sites, TOTALLY FR'EE of charge. The more shares you buy or reinvest with us, the more positions you get to thes...

Business And Finance  business finance programs positions program network worldwide
SFI Home Page. Six Figure Income Marketing Group.

“Earning $100,000 a year is just as easy as $15.000……when you know how!”SFIMG has been growing steadily at a rate of more than 1,000 new affiliates PER DAY. Today the count is well over 7 million SFI representatives from 190 countries.This nu...

Business And Finance  business finance deals earning noticing doesnapost knocking doors
Intranet Portal Project - RAD or Waterfall

In this short article, David Viney examines whether Rapid Application Development (RAD) or Waterfall development methodologies should be used during Intranet Portal projects.Building BridgesI have often used the analogy of building a bridge to explai...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bridge river build intranet business
Find The Best Tax Resources Right Here

Find The Best Tax Resources Right HereWhere can a business owner obtain tax information? When youdon't know what questions to ask, it's very helpful to takesome classes, and read a few articles prior to visiting witha CPA. Enjoy these resou...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation business bookkeeping monthly classes many
New product design

While there are various organizations today that provide new product designs, it is imperative to understand the difference between the good, the bad and the excellent ones. Given below are a few aspects that one should consider before choosing a new...

Business And Finance  business finance product design activities designing appropriate