18,591 articles on "business"

Six Sigma Tools for Process Control

Six Sigma Tools for Process Control by: Chris Anderson Part 4 of a Four-Part Series Part One: http://www.bizmanualz.com/articles/02-08-05ProcessImprovement.html'srcART83 Part Two: http://www.bizmanualz.com/articles/02-14-05CoreProcesses.htm...

Business And Finance  business finance sigma rate process perfection
Good Stock Market Tip; Good Return!

Good Stock Market Tip; Good Return! by: Charles M O'Melia Forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from your stock portfolio. That’s right! Forget making a profit. The burden is now lifted - no more pressure on making ...

Business And Finance  business finance stock shares dividend sharestotal from
Coaching for Lawyers: 10 Ways a Lawyer Can Benefit from Working with a Professional Coach

Coaching for Lawyers: 10 Ways a Lawyer Can Benefit from Working with a Professional Coach by: Jatrine Bentsi-Enchill, J.D., CPCCMarie noticed that Diane seemed to be sailing through her career and receiving “nods” from the firm’s partners....

Business And Finance  business finance career coach professional lawyers
Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle (Part 2)

Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle (Part 2) by: CreditandYou.comIn part 1, we covered the basics about credit scoring – what it is and how it is calculated. It’s time to address the critical question... What happens if you are denied...

Business And Finance  business finance credit scoring score report models
A Dozen Tips for Starting an Import/Export Business

A Dozen Tips for Starting an Import/Export Business by: June CampbellThinking of starting an import/export business? Jennifer Henzel, a Certified Import/Export Trade Professional offers these tips for getting started: 1. Many countries have set ...

Business And Finance  business finance goods trade countries
Is Your Website Blacklisted?

Is Your Website Blacklisted? by: Niall Roche A blacklist, as the name implies, is a list of people or companies who have met with the disapproval of others. In the online world a blacklist refers to those people who have been marked as responsib...

Business And Finance  business finance address blacklist spam email website
Look Past the Bottom Line for a Property's Potential

Look Past the Bottom Line for a Property's Potential by: Elaine VonCannon It’s unfortunate that many real estate investors tend to look at the bottom line when deliberating about a property, rather than the big picture. The real moneymake...

Business And Finance  business finance property investors area county
Relocation Issues...Who Will Pay?

Relocation Issues...Who Will Pay? by: Elizabeth Kirwin In light of recent unemployment figures, and a continual downturn in the labor market, many unemployed professionals are finding themselves in a bind when their benefits or severance package...

Business And Finance  business finance hall relocation companies seekers steve
Why Selling on Lease Options is Glorified Landlording

Why Selling on Lease Options is Glorified Landlording by: Tim Randle I might upset some folks with this one, but that's okay as I think it's important to get some of my experiences into the light of day. If you fully believe the hype t...

Business And Finance  business finance tber repairs they
Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits

ic Procurement and Very Private Benefits by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, author...

Business And Finance  business finance public procurement government