3 articles on "communist"

The Communist Manifesto - A Book Review and Summary

Now largely discredited after it inspired - or some say was manipulated by - the murderous, brutal regime of Leninist/Stalinist Soviet Russia, The Communist Manifesto contains great insight into the limitations and superficiality of a Capitalist soci...

Government  government communist society history class manifesto revolution classes
The Macro and Micro Worlds of Thea Alexander

Thea Alexander wrote a book called 2150 AD, originally published in 1976. She describes a fascinating world that includes two parts consisting of the Macro World and the Micro World. In the Macro world there was harmony, cooperation, and everyone re...

Government  government world chinese communist party micro control
Is Communism Dead Yet?

There are a handful of countries that are still considered communist regimes. Yet communism doesn't really exist. These countries are more like dictatorships with authoritarian type leaders who operate under the very thin veil of non-existent co...

Government  government people chinese communist party control there