915 articles on "content"

Info-Mining Made Simple

Search It!© Phil Bradshaw - All Rights reservedSearch It! is the only ecommerce-related search tool that you (and your visitors, readers, friends and colleagues) will ever need.The gift that keeps on giving (i.e., searching), it has been design...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search content library google reference directories hubs
New Features of Macromedia Flash MX

New Features of Macromedia Flash MX by: Maricon Williams In the times of yore, videos all over the web are quite disappointing. It is like delivering a mediocre performance to annoyed expectators. But then, a transition from the passe made a dra...

Computers And Internet  computers internet video flash media content made
Why Bother With Interactive Content?

The number of online content creation and content sharing tools available for students and teachers seems to be growing by the day. Wonderful tools like Prezi, Animoto, WallWisher, and Voki fill the pages of some of my favorite ed-tech blogs where ed...

Education  education content classroom interactive tools like
RSS - The Making of a Feed

RSS - The Making of a Feed by: Sharon Housley Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is ver...

Computers And Internet  computers internet file title items description content tags
A Brief History of the Book

ief History of the Book by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. "The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man; every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely." (French National Assembly, 1789) I. What is a B...

Computers And Internet  computers internet books book publishers publishing content authors

Public relations (PR) has become an increasingly important component of modern-day marketing. In this digital age, businesses need to stay ahead of the competition and engage with their target audience through a variety of channels, including social ...

Marketing  marketing analysis content media news they
Disappointing Designs

Disappointing Designs by: Paul Hood Fred Showker catches a line from a Pete Seeger classic, “Where have all the flowers gone?” His flowers are the web designers that he thinks are going extinct. He laments on the seeming “decay” in the a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet sites reader content showker still
A Theme-Based Website, Part 2- Choose A Theme And Sub-Topics

In part 1, I said that a theme-based website is a site basedon a single theme or concept. Every page of the siteconcentrates on a single topic that is related to the theme.Each page delivers great content on it's topic. We knowthis type of site ...

Web Development  development theme italian search content topics related
Finding Boating Items Online is Quick and Easy.

Got-Content.com interviews Alex James about the informational website he has created around the topic of inflatable boats and kayaks online. Alex is an average guy that has a small business in ‘small town U.S.A.’. When looking to create his firs...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports boats inflatable small kayaks contentcom about
Nutrients On The Decline In Our Foods

As we become more conscious of what we eat, we’re becoming increasingly aware of the role of nutrients in our diet. However, what many people don’t realize is that the nutrient content of our food has been declining in recent decades. The blame f...

Health  health cent vitamin lost vegetables nutritional content