3,449 articles on "development"

Flash Website Design in Dubai

The potential of the Internet to provide unique levels of sensory stimulus not only to deliver hard to find information but also to market a dazzling range of products and services has been successfully leveraged by many companies around the world. N...

Web Development  development flash message internet based
CSS – Site Design Basics Part One

CSS – Site Design Basics Part One by: Michael J Medeiros When it comes to designing a Website, there are several modern programming techniques that can make the designer’s task much easier. Once the content and focus of the Website is decide...

Web Development  development style font sheet size
Graphic Design Using Color

Graphic Design Using Color by: Kelly Paal Color is everywhere and conveys a message even if we don’t realize it. While this message can vary by culture it pays to know what colors “say” in your own corner of the universe, and even what col...

Web Development  development colors color other
Flash - To Use Or No To Use?

Flash - To Use Or No To Use? by: Oleg LazarenkoOut there in the WWW there are thousands sites using flash for their needs. But the majority sites are not in this list. Let's summaries some facts about flash using on YOUR web site and after ...

Web Development  development flash files time sites will
Some Basic Tests To Check Your Website For Accessibility

Some Basic Tests To Check Your Website For Accessibility by: Trenton Moss The Disability Discrimination Act says that websites must be made accessible to disabled people. So how can you check that your website is up to par? There are a number of...

Web Development  development check users does
How To Start A Million-Dollar Empire On A Shoe String Budget

Splattered across the media channels in the UK latelyhas been a surge of Internet failure related news.After millions of pounds/dollars have been spent inthe development of an exciting new venture, a coupleof years down the line the company has reali...

Business And Finance  business finance development expenses internet
Quick Tip- The OTHER Anchor Tag

Quick Tip- The OTHER Anchor Tagby Tinu Abayomi-PaulThere's another title tag that goes with the link tag that you probably know nothing about. There are some who never want you to know it exists because it gives their site a secret boost in some...

Web Development  development menu link keywords loaded

After going through this celestial section you'll be able to make your own HTML feedback forms so that the visitors can send you feelers about what are their intentions vis-à-vis you and your Web site, and other sundry things that may or may no...

Web Development  development user file name
Writing Your Body Content

It is said that search engines like to see a certain amount of words in the body of your html page. That is true, if you don't have a certain amount of words in the body, then that page will not be considered a viable page. And not just any word...

Web Development  development content flower
When to Hire a Professional SEO Firm

In efforts to increase sales and profitability, more and more companies are turning to online marketing initiatives – specifically, search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization or (SEO) is the art and science of blending technical and mar...

Web Development  development search engine optimization program marketing