If you sell a product online, there's a good chance that you have a sales letter for it. Hopefully you've got a great headline that grabs people's attention and then sales copy that states the benefits of your product and is designed t...
Web Development development sales letter search importantHow many times have you seen an article referring to SEO (search engine optimization) as a "Black Art" or "underhanded", "manipulative", "sleazy", "deceptive", "sneaky" etc?. I could go on and on but you get my drift. The thing is - our industry has ...
Web Development development search engine seoaposs engines reputationGetting traffic to your site is the ultimate goal. Withoutthe traffic, you site isn't going to do much but take upcyberspace. Now, there are many ways to do this, and youshould be doing them all. But for our purpose here, I willlimit it to Searc...
Web Development development search keywords engines tagsA new study by Cyveillance shows that the Web has grown to more than 2.1 billion documents and is growing at the rate of 7 million pages per day. Another study by Berrier Associates indicates that people who spend five or more hours a week online spe...
Web Development development search pages engines engine cloakingYou may have delayed cgi script installation due theapparently complex process. Well, I avoided it also forseveral years, however if you want to increase your website's interactivity it's a necessity to know how to do it.It's not hard ...
Web Development development script form emailOne problem I often see on websites is inconsistent design. This not only looks unprofessional, but it also makes a site difficult for visitors to use. I recently visited a site, and each page was so different from every other page that I thought I w...
Web Development development font read designOnce upon a time, in a small home office, a busy entrepreneur wondered why he wasn’t quite as busy as he would like to be. “I market my business as much as possible”, said the entrepreneur, who has implemented many marketing procedures while ru...
Web Development development potentialI get many emails a month from people asking how to go about designing a popup window to extract the maximum number of opt-ins from visitors to their web site. In this article I outline the seven essential steps you should take in your design of a su...
Web Development development popup window themRight now, these exchanges are generating more traffic to mysite than any other single method ever has. They are a greattool, as any, in the right hands. They may not work nextweek, who knows, but that's the nature of the Internet.What IS certai...
Web Development development right hitsThis is a simple navigation script that will redirect yourvisitors with a drop down menu that will automaticallyadvance to the selected page without a submit button.Place this script where you'd like your menu to appear.You can add as many links...
Web Development development menu will